Dr Jest say:
> So here's a challenge for you: can you come up with a supportable media
> icon who in actuality only exists in the media networks of SLA?
How about an Ebb version?
Splendour is a 'pop star' created using the a combination of thought plants.
Recordings are rare and sold as different "moods" rather than "Collections of tracks". In fact they are a flux crystal and glyph structure, usually looking like some art deco statue which reflects the 'mood' of the piece. They are activated by twisting the base.The 'experience' lasts 30 mins per activation and they have a limited number of 'plays' (although for a price the flux crystal can be replaced). Obviously such structures are very expensive (100cr+) so are often personalised to justify the expence. Currently the best selling recording is 'love' and is a popular wedding gift for ebon couples.
Given the expense of her recordings, most morticians know Splendour as a live performer, indeed her concerts are subsidised by the Department of Ebb as part of the Promoting Ebon Culture program1, bringing them into the range of any uptown or suburban resident. (2 credits for a seat)
They are very popular and it is easy to see why; every one who goes to the concert and comes away having had a really good time and having seen the best show they have ever experienced. The directness of the experience means there are no 'bad seats'. [Although more expensive 'seats' exist, which have extras, such as meals before and parties after the show]
No 2 concert goers will ever agree on the style of the music they experiences, or even the appearance of the performer. Early 'after concert parties' were often characterised by arguments between 'critics', however people are now more familiar with this property of the experience.In fact the whole experience is produced by manipulation of the brain of the witness. A system of thought plant and read mind senses the mental and emotional responses of the witness and, via a positive feed back system, tailors the experience to heighten the parts they enjoy.
Does it matter that they experience is not real? Apparently not. At least going to a Splendour concert you can be sure of having a good time and that the 'performer' will be on form.
Some 'neophobes' claim that non ebw's attending are the concerts are being hypnotised by the ebons and that long term subliminal commands are being implanted, though they have yet to produce any evidence of this.
Dept of Ebb have decided to do a promotional Splendour concert in down town. A number of BPN's have been triggered by this event;
A new serial killer has appeared in uptown, focusing on prominent fans of Splendour. It's M.O. is to destroy the brains of the fans and steal their recordings. Obviously many of its past victims and possible future targets are important and wealthy people so this is making a lot of noise. Squad are required to stop it. [White]
Nasty background idea (could tie into the serial killer idea above): The claimed subliminal commands are true. All people exposed to personalised recordings may have been programmed to carry out activities against departments of SLA industries who are working at cross purposes to the department of Ebb. The squad's task is to identify the effected people and remove them before their programming can kick in. [very very dark grey]
Feel free to brew more. If you get anything good you are willing to share Let me know
After complaints from Static about SLA Industries dumbing down ebon cultural heritage [ See The use of Glyphs in Ebon Architecture and resulting cultural observations.
page.] Department of ebb instigated the PEC Program.
Although this is meant to preserve static/ebon culture and promote it to the ebws of Mort in fact it is just another commercial exercise. The fact that Splendour, which is totally reliant on Dark Lament products, is being supported by this program is very significant. The whole program is just so much whitewash so that SLA can point at it and claim to be doing something when Static complain.
This is part of an ongoing plotline in Sue-wop.
The C.R.P. are morts equivilent of the right wing white surpremacy groups in our world [e.g. American Nazi and Britain's BPN]. They are 'campaigning' that all non humans should be removed from Mort. In fact there are numerous small groups involved in the CRP, some are only interested in 'non violent' protest [or at least as non violent as things ever get on Mort]. Others take a more active role in 'removing the alien menace'{assasinations, Bombings etc}. Most people believe they get funding from or have connections with Dark Night.
They also make an appearance in Death raid.