Whispers in the White (Part 2)

By Adam "dUm" Page

The light faded and she felt her heart and breathing returned to normal.

She opened her eyes and looked around her. The walls of the room looked bland and unappealing, yet she knew that the colours they were painted in were exciting and vibrant.

She swung her legs out of the bed, and realised that the carpet under her feet felt coarse. A part of her brain told her that it was soft and bouncy, but she couldn't feel that.

The toilet room was not where she expected and she connected the strange surroundings with her last detailed memory - her body being laid before the Perceptor.

She sat back on the bed and looked around the hospital room. A pretty standard Dark Lament room, smiliar to the one she'd been in when that gore-lock prototype had misfired and hit her.

There was a discrete knock on the door and when she shouted "enter" it opened to reveal a dark skinned ebon with shades on. He entered the room, closing and locking the door behind himself.

'Do you recognise me, Isslang?'

She was taken aback by his abruptness.

"You were one of those necanthrope's talking at me during that interview weren't you. The one who lost a member of your union."


"And your taste is familiar, you were the one who kept entering my apartment?"


His short answers annoyed her. She decided to be just as abrupt as he had been.

"You forced the dream demons on me, forced me to become a necanthrope didn't you? Because you thought i'd be like my sister, and be your lover. Well tough shit Stryder."

He was surprised that she knew his name.

"Immagin told be all about you, how you manipulated people and how you forced the Perceptor to give you that union. And know you want me to help you keep it under control because you lost face with the others when sImmagin died."

'I love you'

"No you loved her, and I am not her. I never was and my accident made sure of it. Oh, and I call myself Splinter now."

The room is silent except for the slow, almost rythmic pulsing of the walls of the room.

"I will join your union. I owe it to Immagin, but I will not share your bed like she did."


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