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Destiny |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | 30 |
4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 36 | 40 |
5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60 |
7 | 14 | 21 | 28 | 35 | 42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | 70 |
8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64 | 72 | 80 |
9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 | 54 | 63 | 72 | 81 | 90 |
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |
How this value is used in the game depends on the situation the characters
are in.
Basically there are two occassions when a tst should be made;
I feel an example may be in order.
Generally characters can 'attack' with either the Raw power or fine
control stat. They 'defend' with the resistance stat. The skills use depend
on what they have to hand that is appropriate. If the character has no
applicable skills to make and attack or defence they only get to use the
Usually the same type of attack is countered by the same type of defence,
but gods should allow clever roleplaying to change this rule. (eg. the
use of stuborness to counter a strength attack in an arm wrestling contest.)
Physical | Mental | Social | |
Raw power | Strength | Willpower | Apperance |
Fine control | Dexterity | intelligence | Charisma |
Resistance | Constitution | Stuborness | Confidence |
The 10th stat is Tenet....
Tenet is how well the character can control reality around them. It
can represent magical, psionic or similas abilities, but in fact it is
much more than that. Only certain people have Tenet, (PC's and major N.P.C.'s)
they are known as Mercari. Having Tenet is not always a good thing.
In addition to the stats there are 3+1 'damage
stats with go down (and hopefully up) durring play.They reperesent how
wounded the character is in these three areas
They are;
god will use these values as a modifier to the characters chance of performing an action as they see fit. This modification may be a simple deduction, (e.g. you have lost 30 points of social so all social skills are at -30) or may be a percentage deduction (e.g. you have only half your social damage left so all your social sillks are halved) depending on how crippling the damage is.
Do you really need a skill list....? Ok go here!
In additiong to the obvious value skills used in tests characters can also have;
None of the above will make any sences unless you have read Shattered Realities.
Tenet is used to do all the things a reality does not normally allow.
Some realities do not ususally have Magic in them, thus the use of any
magical ability requires a reality check to persuade reality to allow it
before the magic test itself.
In others where as magic may be available, technology and the laws
of quantum physics are not, thus the character would have to make a reality
check before thier quantum bolt plasma cannon will work.
The above is not meant to indicate Technology and magic
are exclusive. There are high tech, high magic, and low tech low magic
realities out there.
As it is used to tell the universe what to do, thus except in very rare circumstrances of Tenet battles, the roll will be uncontested. However any back lash, i.e. the negative amount of any failure automatically effects the character. No resistance is allowed.
Tenet is its own raw power, fine control and resistance state. Thus
Tenet damage is (Tenet x Tenet)+(Tenet+Tenet).
Things (including P.C.'s) regenerate reality at 1 each (tenet value)
Usually there is no skill that relates to tenet. (Although bloody good
roleplaying/ bribery of god may change this rule) Some very high level
N.P.C. (solos) have tenet realted skills. These are not available to beginning
player characters, (probably not to any non solo's)
However the character uses the 'non standard' skill he wishes to use
if the test works as the 'skill' for any reality check, Thus the more the
character understands the 'non standard' skill, the more likely reality
is to say, "oh go on then, you've convinced me."
A successful check lasts for as long as it takes reality to regenerate the damage done to it. Durring this time the character can uses the non standard skill as often as they like. However they must make a separate roll for any other non standard skill. God may allow modifiers if the skills are very similar.
Should a check fail the character can not try it again until they have regenerated the damage done to them by the back lash, although they may try other Tenet tests for other things.
Should the back lash be so sever that they loose all their Reality the
character looses the knowledge assoicated with the test they were trying
to do until they regenerate back all lost tenet damage (not just
the bit they lost when attempting the test). This means the character can
not use that skill or anything associated with it. If asked about the ability,
associated equipment or anything like that the character will just look
blank and confused.
God can declare that they have lost the knowledge of every test they
were recoveing damage from if they are sufficiently related enough.
If whilst making a reality check a character buggers it completely and
takes damage greater than thier normal reality total they loose a tenet
They instantly recaluculate their new reality and it is recharged.
However they still can't use the nonstandard test until sufficiant
time has passed for them to 'regenerate' the damage. In fact the loss of
tenet is a major threat to the way a character views themself and the multiverse
arround them. Basically the reality they are in has just told them
what they should believe.This will have a knock on effect on the phyche
of the character that players are encouraged to incorperate into play.
Tenet can only be (re)gained in the same way it was originally got,
by really nasty experiences and through background events. Players are
encouraged to note this and leave suitable experiences in their characters
futures to regain any lost tenet.
Nice gods may award characters tenet for surviving nasy experiences
in a way that reinforces thier belief in themselves/ their reality.
Should a character drop to 0 tenet they are no longer mercari, and
can never perform any non standard tests again. (Unless they can gain another
tenet point from thier adventuring, of act of god.)
Whilst this is not a problem in thier native universe (or one very
similar to it) should they find themselves in another reality they will
be in real trouble.
Non mercari PC in shattered realities are usually retired (or dead).
I feel an example is in order;
David the cyborg is stook on a modern day limited technology world.
He decideds to use his 'phase plasma rifle in the 40W range'.
Reality says, 'just what you see on the shelf pal'. forcing him into a reality check to use the weapon.
Dave has a tenet of 6. He's been around a bit. This gives him a reality of 48 (6x6+12)
He also has a phase plasma rifle skill of 5, giving him a value of 40.
The reality has a tenet of 2. Not significant except for working out how long it takes to recover.
Daves player rolls the dice. As this is Shattered Realities we will now look at what happend in a number of different universes.
- The dice come up 18: Dave has passed his check by 22 points and the world's reality take 44 point of damage. This world recovers 1 reality every 2 minutes. So Dave has three quaters of an hour before reality turns round and says 'ear I said you couln't use that" and he has to make the check again. By then he will probably be out of batteries.
Dave's god quietly whimpres in the corner as he thinks what damage an fully armed cyborg can do to his nice little middle ammerica comunity.
But I suspect you've seen the film.
- This dice role come us 66. Dave has failed by 26 points. With a Tenet of 6 Dave recovers 1 reality every 6 minutes, 156 minutes, call it 2 and a half hours before Dave can even think of using the weapon again.
Still it could be worse.....
- The dice roll 70. A failure of 30 point. Unfortunatly in this universe Dave tired to use in sensor unit a few moments ago and failed by 15 points. This new damage takes Dave down to -5 reality. Opse.
Dave has just forgotten what weapon technology is. Not a good thing for a cyborg. He looks down at the Plasma rilfe in total confusion. A small box beeps quietly at him, but he has no idea what it is.
Hopefully one of the other P.C.'s will remember to throw the grenade. It will be 240 minutes before Dave remembers what it is, and it only has a 3 minute fuse.
Believe it or not things could be worse....
- The dice come up 99. That is a failure of 59 points. Dave's realility vanishes in a puff of logic. Vanishing with it is one whole point of tenet, (leaving him on 5). And a significant chunk of his personal belief system.
On the plus side his new reality is 35, which he has all of them to play with..
However god rules that with such an incredible failure the world has just told Dave that advanced technology does not exist. In fact as cyborgs don't exist in this world; Dave has forgotten he is a cyborg. It is going to take him 295 minutes to even begin to remember
It is going to come as a real shock when he looks in the mirror.
Oh... and the grenade is still beeping at him
Tenet battles can be broken of from by either party at any time, after the initial attack. However damage and tenet loss by either/ both parites are retained and must be rehealed before another attack can be initiatied or ANY reality check attempted. This means the mercari can not use any non standard skills until he has recovered, explaining why Tenet battles are so rare.
Should attacks cause reality to drop below 0, 1 point of tenet is lost,
and reality recalculated and recharged, just as in the messed up
Reality Check.....
However as this is a conflict of personal realities; rather than the
world saying this is what should be happening the other party in the contest
states his beliefs. Thus even if the damage is self inflicted (as would
happen with a botched attack) the other player, in consultation with god,
can define the change the loss of tenet makes to the characters beliefes.
In doing this they should bear in mind the characters own belief system
and incorperate it in some way. God, as always has the final yes no and
they should bear in mind that the other player may still want to play the
character after, so no radical changes should be allowed. Unless the
player agrees....
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Destiny |
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