Character Profiles

This page is still in progress and may contains spoilers.

Warren "War" DeMontford

Pre Asylum life
Warren DeMontford was born Montgomery Arthur Wellesley, and is the bastard son of the 7th Duke of Wellington. His early life was one of privillage, but that was all lost when his father was killed in the Faulklands. He was cast out of the family by his step mother to ensure her own child, Charles, would inherited the title. He changed his name at her insistance as she refused to release his inheritance to him unless he did."The name or the money, not both"
He was sent to live with Dai Montford, a pensioner living in poverty in Liverpool. He was told the man was his father's Warren Office and that the 'unknown' in the mothers box of his birth certificate was due to his mother being Dai Montford's daughter. Dai told him that secrecy was needed to prevent the scandal of his parents (loving) relationship when his father was duty bound to marry another. In recognitions of this War call the old man Taid, welsh for grandfather.
When social care found the young boy living with the old man, they stepped in and took him into care. Having developed a close attachment to Taid (the only man person he felt wanted him), War regularly absconded from his carers, skipped school and so developed a bad reputation as a trouble maker. In an attempt to establish a place of safety, Dia moved to an isolated cottage in snowdownia, Black Crag. However War was picked up by Welsh social care on a trip to Llandudno and sent to a notorious welsh children's home. He was one of the many residents abused by the care homes owner and his friends. War snapped and attacked his abuser, leaving him with knife in his stomach. The police eventually caught him trying to get back to Taid and he was placed in a young offenders institue pending procecution. However in covering up the abuse the authorites lost his records. Charged were dropped and he was released to a foster carer, and quickly escaped.
Taid knew he did not have long left and was determined to make sure War would be looked after. He pulled string with his old navy associates to get War accepted into the Royal Navy, despite his qualifications and his, frankly dodgy, police record. Some one in the M.O.D. spotted War's connection to his father, and he was fast tracked into special forces work. As part of this role he was sent out to Sierra Leone and was involved in a mission nicknames 'operation Certain Death' by those sent on it. Here he faced, and killed, child soldiers, but the children were more than they appeared to me and he had his first encouncter with supernatural forces attempting to rescue hostages from the jungle.
Shortly after War was brought into the Asylum, he discovered that his father was actually a member of The Church Militant, and 'Taid' had been his contact with the Asylum, and not his grandfather at all. Alice Montford had died six months before he was born. He still does not know who his mother actually was.

Emrys Glyndwr

Al Springer

Pre Asylum life
Al grew in on an inner city housing estate in Manchester. He was a bit of a bad lad, involved in gangs and petty crime, but all that ended when his girlfriend fell pregnant.Determined to look after his new family he tried to turn over a new leaf. Unfortunately his old comrades would not leave him alone and he was forced to act as a driver for a robbery. The robbery was a disaster and he was arrested.

Whilst he was inside his girlfriend became involved in a church group and fell under the sway of their leader. Al was suspicious of the man and the control he had over his followers, many of them single mothers. Al was particularly disturbed by the easy access the man had to their children, including Al's own daughter. Unfortunately no one was interested in the views of a 'ex-con' about a 'fine upstanding member of the community. Which was a shame because Al's suspicions were well founded. The church leader was enthralled to a demon and planned to have the children possessed to form a demonic army for the end of days..

When Al's girlfriend fell mysteriously ill and was rushed into hospital. Al went to her house to look after his daughter, but the church members turned him away. Suspicious he broke into the house and witnessed their demon summoning ritual. Not totally sure what was going on but knowing they were up to know good, Al attacked the group and killed them. But his daughter had already been possessed, and Al was forced to kill her when she attacked him.

He was found with the bodies and immediately taken to Broadmere. He expected to be locked up and punish for the murders. Instead he was recruited. Though he always said that was probably worse than serving 20 to life.

Al's origin is covered in a flash fiction that is part of Cartesian_Products

George "Cairngorm" Kentigern

Pre Asylum life
(Confession time. I have never considered George before he started with the asylum. I know he was in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards because that is the uniform he is wearing when War first meets him, but beyond that I'm blank. Maybe one day we will get a story of his own and we'll find out!)

Iain McKeller

Pre Asylum life
Iain was always a high flier at school, and great things were expected of him. Sadly he also fell into that 'bored bright kid' problem and was considered quite disruptive at school. Especially after puberty hit, and being young and gay and attending an all male school, there were plenty of 'willing distractions'.

Still he left with a clutch of grades high enough to get him into St Andrews, and having graduated with a 1st, gained a place at Cambridge. During his Ph.D. his theoretical research into the existence of other dimensions turned unexpectedly practical when he created a reality breach and something came through. The something proceeded to absorb one of his co-workers and was about to chomp down on Iain when SWORD arrived and destroyed it.

He was thrown in a van and taken to London for a firm debriefing. Emrys decided he had potential and took him on as an (initially unwilling) apprentice.

Clancy "Chancy" Brown

Pre Asylum life

Clancy's origin is covered in a flash fiction that is part of Cartesian_Products

Clifford Magdelane

Pre Asylum life
Cliff was born in to the Church Militant. He was mentored by his uncle, who was determined to "make the boy useful". As a result his early life was focused on preparing him for his role, and he grew up quite isolated from other children. His lanky stance and bright red hair didn't help and he was often bullied. The taught him to keep his head down and keep out of view: A skill which stood him in good stead in his later military life when as a sniper he was often required to move around unobserved.

At 16, under his Uncle's guidance, he signed up with army and served a number of tours of duty. He was often moved around between units and saw a lot more action than most of his peers. He was brought in to the Asylum for a interview and his recruitment initial went well. Until an argument in the field when Cliff disobeyed an order from Charles that he felt was unsound. Charles refused to work with him and he was Returned to Unit and sent out to Afghanistan.

When War joined the Asylum and a second SWORD unit was being established, Cliff's personal file ended up on War's desk. Realising that they were distantly related via Taid, War signed him up. Cliff has the same ability to augment his firearms skill through magic as War has, only Cliff is more aware of it and so has refined it even further.

Having been raised under the Church Militants guidance, Cliff has always been aware of the existence and dangers of Demons. However he knows relationships between the Church and the Asylum haven't always been smooth and so does not advertise the connection. Part of his role in the Church is to keep an eye on Warren, who as a descendant of a Church Militant Knight is of interest to the organisation.

Clifford has a sister and a clutch of nephews and nieces in Newcastle who he has supported ever since she escape from her abusive husband. Following events in Thornton Street, War takes on the financial aspect of this burden, although she and her children is also supported by the Church Militant in recognition of the sacrifices Clifford has made.

William "Bill" Ross

Pre Asylum life
Bill Ross joined the Fire Service straight out of school. Of the two 'family businesses' He choose to follow his uncle into the Fire service, rather than his father into East end organised crime. His brother, Shawn, followed his fathers path, and Bill has always considered his brothers situation to be proof he made the right call.

He is a natural leader of men and attracts loyalty from those around him. He did well in the fire service, rising rapidly through the ranks, but was always reluctant to take on promotions that would leave him sat at a desk.

Bill's first encounter with the Asylum came when he responded to a fire in an abandoned hospital which seemed unnaturally fierce. He challenged the instruction to enter the fire with the commander on site but was over ruled and 3 of his team entered the building, even though there was no suggestion that there were people trapped inside. When it became apparent that they were in trouble, Bill lead a rescue team, but they were only able to save one of the fire fighters.

He reported his concerns to his superiors and was interviews by Asylum personnel. North was impressed by Bill's confidence and level headedness, but at that time had no active use for him and so returned him to the fire service.

Around six months later, in the incident where War first met James Goddard, War pulled his gun on the same Fire Chief that had sent the men into the burning hospital. Bill was a little annoyed when War didn't pull the trigger, however the resulting internal enquiry resulted in Bill being brought into SWORD as a 'Civilian Liaison' and War's defacto second in command.

James Goddard

Pre Asylum life

Kirsty Goddard (Nee Wilmot)

Pre Asylum life

Kirsty's origin is covered in a flash fiction that is part of Cartesian_Products

Padre McKilligoody

Pre Asylum life

Darren "Daz" Ramsbottom

Pre Asylum life
Darren joined the cadets at school and a career in the army followed naturally. He enjoyed the work and the camaraderie of his unit. He developed a reputation as a Mr Fix it and would often be given bits of kit that the other soldiers had broken.

His unit were sent into the caves in the Afghan hills to clear out a suspected Taliban strong hold. However they encountered a cult worshiping a fire demon. They were able to kill the human worshipers and, deprived of its anchor int he world, the demon was forced to retreat.

Following the end of the Afghan war, and the start of austerity, Darren was one of those considered surplice to requirements and let go. He found it hard to adjust to civilian life and was haunted by the events he witnessed in the Afghan caves. He turned to drink and was evicted from the his flat when he failed to pay the rent.

Meanwhile the fire Demons, angry at the loss of their followers, used a coven of witches to locate Darren. They tracked him down to warehouse where he was sleeping rough and attacked. SWORD responded and War rescued Daz. There was something about Darren that niggled War. Rather than take him into the Asylum, and risk him becoming a Remnant in North declared his memory should be wiped, War took him to his Church Militant contact in Southwark. With the Church's help, Darren kicked the alcohol and even began to deal with the psychological trauma of his experience with the demons.

Eventually, once War was sure he could be sure he could cope with the things he would face on active duty, War brought Darren into the Asylum and he joined SWORD.

Dr Dorian Lakin

Pre Asylum life
Born in London to a welsh father and an half Chinese mother. Dorian's parents were wealthy but distant and are now both deceased. He has a sister who is living in Germany teaching English. At 7 he was sent to boarding school- Winchester collage- and still wears their tie when in a suit. He attended St Johns Collage Cambridge specialising in Early Elizabethan scientific and mathematical texts. Whilst unfolding their mysteries he managed to perform his first active magical effect. Though surprised it worked, he set uncovering others using Cambridge's extensive collection of hermetic works.

He was creating a full translation of Enochian as part of his Ph.D when he was informed that this researches were in breach of the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Which came as something of a surprise to say the least. That lead via a number of unpleasant interviews, to a conversation with Private Secretary North and being offered a position with not so much allowed as actively encouraged his researches and gave him access to the most accurate of source material.

It was only later than he discovered the damage being inflicting on his brain by his more practical pursuits. The Dementia Strixistica expressed as tremors, then dizzy spells, sudden loss of muscle control. The NHS has him diagnosed with an atypical form of Multiple Sclerosis. He can take drugs to temporarily off set the symptoms, but the side effects are significant and he worries that the long term effects may be more damaging that the D.S. itself.

Jack DeMontford

Pre Asylum life
Technically Jack never had a life before the Asylum. His conception was intended to seal a deal between the human forces of the Asylum and the Selkie community in Wales. The arrangement was disrupted by Jack being male, rather than the female child that his mother was expected to conceive. Faced with the attitude of the Selkie towards his son and his mother, War and Iain rescued/stole the small family. Exact accounts of events vary between Asylum and Rhiw, and have taken many years of negotiations to resolve.

Jack grew up in Orford Ness with Selkie community of the North Sea. Following his mothers death he moved to the safety of Broadmere to grow up with Jamie. The two boys did not get on and events came to a head after War became possessed by the spirit of the Green (Jamie's father).

Having shot Jamie, and annoyed the security teams in Broadmere by ripping holes out of their wall, the family moved to Black Crag - Taid's cottage in Wales. Jack briefly attended secondary school with Jason, though he never really settled in. He left after proudly failing all his GCSEs. He even managed to spell his name wrong on his english paper.

Jason "Ace" DeMontford

Pre Asylum life


Pre Asylum life

Paul Randal

Pre Asylum life
Paul Randal trained a psychologist. He developed an interest in the paranormal after counselling a young girl who was convinced she was being plagued by demons. He felt that by gaining evidence that paranormal experiences had natural reasons, he could help her recover from her delusions. This lead to a general interest in the paranormal events. During one investigation into a ghost sighting in Edinburgh, he had a run in with Asylum agents. North declared he was "Not a threat and might be useful" and left him 'in the field' with a watch order on him. When Paul responded to a 'black dog' reported Selkirk, North dispatched War to help him out. They were together when the a wolf like beast attacked Paul and left him close to death.

War managed to get Paul back to the hotel in Edinburgh. Through War's efforts and the medical support provided by room service, Paul seemed to recover. But on the next full moon, as the sun set, he was gripped by a powerful urge to flee the city. When he awoke 12 hours later he was naked and covered in blood. He called War for help. Fortunately the blood turned out to be sheep, and after a little investigation they found the site of the kill. The tracks around the body was that of a large hound. They worked out that Paul had contracted lycanthropy. However Paul discovered that his new found bestial skills actually gave him the edge over the demonic black dogs, and vowed to rid his land of their kind. He worked hard to master his bestial side and turn it to good.

Some time later, following an encounter with 'Cloutie' (the scottish incarnation of the Devil) Paul discovered he was actually a lost Fae who had been bound into the role of Paul Randal by Wars desperate attempts to save the man after the wolf attack. This realisation has allowed him to refine his 'anti demonic' talents even further.He is still trying to find out his fae life before he became Paul Randal, but has proudly claimed the title of Fairy Prince of Scotland. He has sworn a pact with North keep the land free of Demons in whatever form they may take.

In their spare time (Not that they have much) he has an active sexual relationship with War. North once told Jason that Paul is the Unicorn to Warren's Lion. Jason is still trying to work out what that means. Iain laughed himself silly.

Jared Claybourn

Pre Asylum life
Dubbed by Clancy, the Unluckiest lucky man in the world, Jared is proof that the Lucky coin has 2 sides. He was forcibly recruited into the Asylum after scoring 100% on a Zena Card test whilst trying to earn some extra cash from the psychology department of Cambridge University.
Prior to his recruitment he was signing on and working as a cash in hand day labourer. His greatest wish was to find a more stable job, but its a wish that has been answered in the most horrible way.

Private Secretary Patrick North

Pre Asylum life
There was nothing before the Asylum.

The Fate Core Character Sheets for these characters

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