The information below are character sheets for the major characters in the Asylum Stories using the Fate Core System.
For more infomation on this please check out the Evil Hat Web site
 | Warren "War" DeMontford
High Concept | North's Pet Assassin | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Proudly Ignorant In Places | +4 | Notice |
Aspect | Mostly Human | +3 | Shoot, Stealth |
Aspect | Multiple Occupancy Psyche | +2 | physique, Fight, Burglery |
Aspect | The Time, The Man | +1 | Resources, Athletics, Provoke, Contacts |
Stunt 1: | The DeMontford Factor
Because War's biology is only 'Mostly Human' He can cope with situations that would floor most people.
Game Mechanic:+2 to physique tests where endurance and healing is a factor.
Stunt 2: | The shot makes the shot
Because war unknowingly augments his firearms accuracy with magic, guiding the bullet to it's target, he is able to pull off more accurate shots, and hit targets he can not technically "see"
Game Mechanic:+2 to any "called shots" where acurracy is significant. |
 | Emrys Glyndwr
High Concept | Old Man of Magic | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Age catches up with all | +4 | Lore |
Aspect | Long Serving in all respects | +3 | Will, Investigate |
Aspect | I like my retinue | +2 | Decieve, Resources, Crafts |
Aspect | Respect of my magical peers | +1 | Notice, Rapport, Empathy,Contacts |
Stunt 1: | MAGIC
Having spent his life studying magical forces, Emrys has an almost instinctual understanding of magic and the supernatural
Game Mechanic:By making a successful Lore role Emrys can formulate and carry out a magical ritual to place an aspect on the situation or target.
Stunt 2: | Speaking of which...
Emrys has spent all his life researching magic and the supernatural from all around the world. There are no human languages that he has not mastered, and a significnat number of none human ones that he can at least understand.
Game Mechanic:Polyglot.
 | Al Springer
High Concept | SWORD's Flushing Dog | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Locked doors are a personal insult | +4 | Drive |
Aspect | Always a way in, always a way out | +3 | Athletics, Notice |
Aspect | Bad Lad (reformed) | +2 | Lore, Burglary, Stealth |
Aspect | If It's got wheels it's mine | +1 | Shoot, Investigate, Rapport, Will |
Stunt 1: | The Joy of Riding
Having spent so much of his early life 'scrumping for cars' Al has a natural affinity for vehicles, and can drive/ fly pretty much anything given a few minutes to look over the controls.
Game Mechanic:'Drive' skill can be applied to ANY vehicle without penalty.
Stunt 2: | There are no Barriers
Al is small and agile and determined. It is a very hard to contain him.
Game Mechanic:Al can spend a fate point to get out of any location or situation. Where he ends up might not be better.
 | George "Cairngorm" Kentigern
High Concept | SWORD's Man Mountain | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | To Big For His Own Good | +4 | Physique |
Aspect | Nothing Gets Past Me | +3 | Fight, Shoot |
Aspect | Incomprehensible accent | +2 | Provoke, Athletics, Lore |
Aspect | Bones of Stone | +1 | Will, Investigate, Contacts, Rapport |
Stunt 1: | Take the blow
Cairngorms bulk means it takes a lot to actually hurt him.
Game Mechanic: Use Physique to defend in fight involving fists or blunt weapons,
Stunt 2: | Strong Silents Bad Cop
Thanks to his size and accent, George can be intimidating even when just standing there.
Game Mechanic: Use Physique instead of provoke when intimidating/ interrogating people.
 | Iain McKeller
High Concept | Gay Goth Technomancer | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | The Men in My Life | +4 | Investigate |
Aspect | Magic- It's all numbers really | +3 | Lore, Rapport |
Aspect | Quietly a Genius | +2 | Will, Notice, Empathy |
Aspect | Black until there is a darker colour | +1 | Athletics, Stealth, Contacts, Craft |
Stunt 1: | Thinking it through.
Iain is a skilled mathemagician and trained as a scientist. He can always approach a problem methodically and with logic
Game Mechanic:+2 to any skill test when Iain has chances to sit back and anaylse the situation logically.
Stunt 2: | Computers are the future
Iain is taking Emrys's ritual magic to the next level by technologising it. He is creating a library of Apps that can be used as required.
Game Mechanic: Techno magic - Iain can create a programme that will make a magical effect to put an aspect on a target. Requires a successful lore roll to identify the magical principle and a successful investigate to write the programme.
 | Clifford Magdelane
High Concept | Gods Own Sniper | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Forgotten and overlooked | +4 | Stealth |
Aspect | Tall lankey Red head | +3 | Shoot, Notice |
Aspect | Longarm Oversight | +2 | Faith, Athletics, Will |
Aspect | Knight of the Church Militant | +1 | Investigate,Fight, Drive, Craft |
Stunt 1: | Silent Witness
Because as a sniper it was often essential for his survival and for those he was looking after not to be spotted, Cliff has developed technigues to get to oversite points unseen
Game Mechanic:By spending a fate point Clifford can get from one place to another without being unobserved, as long as no one is looking at him when he leaves or observing his destination.
Stunt 2: | The Power of God Compells me
Cliff was instructed to keep an eye on Warren for the Church Militant and to keep him safe. This is not the first mission the Church Militant have sent him on. He can draw on his religious belief to keep focused and help him in his tasks.
Game Mechanic: Clifford can use Faith to create an aspect that he can use to augment any task relevents to his current religious Quest.
Stunt 3: | The shot makes the shot
Because Clifford knowingly augments his firearms accuracy with magic, guiding the bullet to it's target, he is able to pull off more accurate shots, including hitting targets he can not see. This includes shooting through walls or in complete darkness.
Game Mechanic:Clifford can use firearms test to place a "In my sights" tag on any target, as long as it is in the range of the weapon, regardless of its location or any intervening cover. |
FATE:-1 | Clifford has one less fate point, due to having an extra stunt, but he does have God on his side as a consulation |
 | William "Bill" Ross
High Concept | SWORD Emergency Responce | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Big Mouth | +4 | Athletics |
Aspect | Out of the Fire | +3 | Rapport, Physique |
Aspect | Contacts with The Eastend Family | +2 | Will, Notice, Fight |
Aspect | He's my brother | +1 | Medic, Contacts, Craft, Schoot |
Stunt 1: | Lie still and lean on it.
As a fireman, Bill had to deal with a lot of injuries. He is a qualified paramedic
Game Mechanic:Bill can reduce the severity of a consequence caused by injury or illness by making a successful Medic roll.
Stunt 2: | The flow of the fire
Bill spent his life placing himself in danger for the good of others - it has left him with a level of 'danger sense'
Game Mechanic: Notice to spot danger is unimpeded by conditions like poor lighting (smoke) or walls if a situation is likely to result in harm for himself or those he protects.
 | Kirsty Goddard (Nee Wilmot)
High Concept | Captivating Witch | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Just can't leave it alone | +4 | Rapport |
Aspect | Firey Redhead | +3 | Lore, Contacts |
Aspect | I am a happily married woman | +2 | Craft, Decieve, Notice |
Aspect | The joy of winding up men | +1 | Will, Resources, Investigate, Empathy |
Stunt 1: | Natural Spell Slinger
Kirstry taps into some inner strength when casting magic, although she has studied many magical texts, it all comes form the heart.
Game Mechanic: Kirsty casts magic using Rapport -by spending a fate point she can make a rapport role to places a magical aspect on a target.
Stunt 2: | Actually I think you will find that...
Kirsty has studied widely all sorts of strange subjects, this coupled with her almost photographic memory makes her something of an irritating know it all.
Game Mechanic: Spend a Fate point to use Lore instead of any other skill, but only after some one else has made an attempt. Her skill role adds to the original result to increase the success.
 | Darren "Daz" Ramsbottom
High Concept | Solid all round soldier | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Bottom of the bottle | +4 | Craft |
Aspect | Surplus to requirements | +3 | Shoot, Notice |
Aspect | These City Streets | +2 | Athletics, Faith, physique |
Aspect | The Church Picked Me Up | +1 | Will, fight, Provoke, Drive |
Stunt 1: | Fix it in the field
With his unit Darren was often left the tast of keeping thier electical equipments and vehicles working in hostile enviroments, often with out the correct equipment.
Game Mechanic:+2 to craft to repair and jury rig equipment.
Stunt 2: | Fresh face in the Faith
Darren has become a member of the Padre's Southwark Flock since he ended up living rough on the streets. They are helping him deal with his alcoholism and other issues following his experiences in Afganistan. In return he is using his DIY and repair skills to help keep the churchs meager resources going.
Game Mechanic: Daz can use Faith instead of Contacts or resources by calling on the support of his friends in the church.
 | Dr Dorian Lakin
High Concept | The Last of the Arcane Spell Slingers | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Nerves don't work | +4 | Lore |
Aspect | My Wizard's Staff | +3 | Will, Craft |
Aspect | Uninvited Astute Observations | +2 | Drive, Rapport, Investigate |
Aspect | I specialised Early | +1 | Provoke, Empathy, Resources, Contacts |
Stunt 1: | I can be Enchanting-kind of
My studying magical texts, and through the rituals he uncovers, Dorian can create magical amulets that other people can use.
Game Mechanic:Requires a successful lore roll to identify the magical principle and a successful craft to create the magical item. The number of successes determines the number of aspects the item has. These can be tapped by who ever is using the amulet.
Stunt 2: | Sagacuious Assessments
Before finally getting a field assignment, Dorian spent a lot of time reviewing reports and accounts for the active agents. He can call upon these observations to guide his own actions and advise others
Game Mechanic: Dorian can use a lore test to create an aspect that refers to a previous encounter bewteen Asylum personel and the entity or situation they are facing. This aspect can then be tapped by others. |
 | Jack DeMontford
High Concept | Son Of War | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | When I go, I GO | +4 | Survival |
Aspect | Selkie born, Asylum Bred | +3 | Shoot, Stealth |
Aspect | My Bro is Ace | +2 | Athletics, Investigate, Physique |
Aspect | Unbounded Enthusiasm | +1 | Provoke, Will, Burglary, Craft |
Stunt 1: | Selkie Skills
Jack is a selkie and has the aquatic oxygen reclaimation system that allow Selkie to survive in deep water
Game Mechanic:Jack can not drown, unless the water he is in is completely deoxygenated. |
Stunt 2: | The DeMontford Factor
Jack has inherited the DeMontford Factor off his father. It allows him to heal quicker and aguments his selkie swimming skills.
Game Mechanic:+2 to physique tests where endurance and healing is a factor. |
 | Paul Randal
High Concept | The Bane Of The Black Dog | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Full Moon Frenzy | +4 | Fight |
Aspect | Seductive Animal Magnetism | +3 | Physique, Athletics |
Aspect | A Throne on Arthur's Seat | +2 | Will, Survival, Stealth |
Aspect | So sharp he'll cut himself. | +1 | Shoot, Drive, Provoke, Rapport |
Stunt 1: | Pointy Teath and Claws Paul exists to destroy Black Dog. He has natural weapons that the Black dog are vulnerable to when he transforms into his Werewolf form.
Game Mechanic: Paul automatically does great damage to any black dog or similar demon on a successful attack. Thier 'natural' armour does not stop this.
Stunt 2: | The Smell of Wet Dog
Paul can track demonic entities by thier smell.
Game Mechanic:Following a successful Survival test, Paul can track a demon. - It can run but it can't hide. |
 | Padre McKilligoody
High Concept | Chosen by God | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways | +4 | Faith |
Aspect | A wide, if wandering, Flock | +3 | Rapport, Will |
Aspect | White face, Black Voice | +2 | Empathy, Craft, Fight |
Aspect | Speak soft and others will carry the stick for you. | +1 | Physique, Contacts, Resources, Investigate |
Stunt 1: | Born to the Church
The Padre is a member of the Church Militant
Game Mechanic:By spending a fate point he can tap into the power of God - But has little control over how Gods Aid arrives.
Stunt 2: | The Flock
Over the years the Padre has aided a lot of London's inhabitants, and is well thought off, with many owed favours
Game Mechanic: He can use Contacts instead of any other skill by calling in some one who "knows" or can help in some other way.
 | Jason "Ace" DeMontford
High Concept | Brave little soldier | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Bad Beginings | +4 | Athletics |
Aspect | Just Human, Probably | +3 | Fight, Will |
Aspect | Adopted Son of War | +2 | Shoot, Stealth, Notice |
Aspect | I will be the best that I can be | +1 | Empathy,craft, Lore, survival |
Stunt 1: | Yeah, That's what you say
Jace was abused by his birth family and it has left him very suspicious of people. May be even a little paranoid. He always analysis carefully any attempt to persuade him to do something, especially if ther person is being 'nice'.
Game Mechanic: +2 to resisiting Deceit and emotional manipulation
Stunt 2: | The one True Commandment of War- Be Useful.
Jason is anxious to prove his place in the Asylum, especially as he does not have any of the 'supernatural' talents of the rest of his family. He spends a lot of time watching others and trying to anticipate what they might need so he can be there with it when they need it.
Game Mechanic:On a successful notice check Jace can produce an item useful to whatever task some one else is performing, this occurs as an aspect that they can then invoke for free. |
 | Lucy
High Concept | Guardian of War's Boys | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Enemies out there | +4 | Empathy |
Aspect | A warriors Code | +3 | Physigue, Fight |
Aspect | Shush, actually I like being mum | +2 | Lore, Shoot, Will |
Aspect | Knows a lot more than she lets on | +1 | Drive, Survival, Rapport, Notice |
Stunt 1: | A tigress in my heart
Lucy is very protective of the boys, she knows she owes War a lot and the best way to repay him as by keeping the lads safe, even if it is from him. .
Game Mechanic: Lucy gets a +2 to any test where the safety of her charges are at stake.
Stunt 2: | A little Alchemy can go along way.
Lucy has some limited understanding of magic, though not on a par with those in the Asylum who have spent a life time in study, she can pull off the odd 'hedge' spell when needed.
Game Mechanic: By making a lore test and spending a little time collecting the ingrdiencts, Lucy can make basic one shot potions that can heal, harm, gift luck, bring peaceful sleep etc. The potion must be consumend by the target to be effective, but she can make a stock of them if she is expecting trouble. |
 | James Goddard
High Concept | Computer Geek in over his head | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | I dont really get this magic thing | +4 | Computers |
Aspect | I dont really know what Kirsty sees in me. | +3 | Screaming and running away |
Aspect | It's all in the code | +2 | |
Aspect | It's all unix to me | +1 | |
Stunt 1: | Dancing fingers
James is a brilliant computer programmer, unfoturnaly his skills were subverted by a group using computers to open a gate to a dimension inhabited by Fire Demons and he almost destroyed a housing estate in london.
Game Mechanic: James can write a programe that can do pretty much anything, although he is still comming to terms with exactly how reality can be manipulated by code. A successful computers test allows him to create an aspect that covers the effect of the programme when it is run.
FATE:+1 | James has an extra refresh due to only having one stunt- It helps keep him alive!
 | Clancy "Chancy" Brown
High Concept | Cyberpunk lives in me. | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Inappropriate sence of humour | +4 | Lore |
Aspect | Asylum Top Techno Dog | +3 | Contacts, Investigation |
Aspect | Sciencific progress goes "Womph" | +2 | Provoke,Craft, Will |
Aspect | Friends in the strangest of places | +1 | Notice, resources, shoot, Drive |
Stunt 1: | Adams pet Magician
For all his irritating foibles, Clancy is excellent at interpreting the Venkmens and other analytical devices in SWORD uses in the field.
Game Mechanic: By paying a fate point and making a successful Lore role, and Clancy can declare aspects relating to the supernatural nature of the event or target of his test. The greater the success the more aspects he can define.(1 per spin)
Stunt 2: | The wrong thing at the wrong time
Clancy has a natural talent for winding people up.
Game Mechanic:+2 to provoke ing people by snide remarks to manipulate them into doing what he wants then to do. |
 | Jared Claybourn
High Concept | Out of his depth new guy | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | The Lucky coin has 2 sides | +4 | Athletics |
Aspect | This Can't Be Happening | +3 | Drive, Craft |
Aspect | To Be Decided | +2 | Physique, Notice, Guess |
Aspect | To Be Decided | +1 | Will, Lore, Rapport, Contacts |
Stunt 1: | It's all in the cards
Jared has a limited premonitions ability. He can make 'lucky guesses' that are correct. It is most effective with cards, but he is learning to expand it to other areas.
Game Mechanic:The potential options are laid out. He makes a guess test.For every success one of the 'wrong' options are removed. If the test is good enough that can leave only the 'correct option' and there are still shifts left, he can gain additional related information.
FATE +1 | Jared has an extra fate point as he only has one stunt.
 | Private Secretary Patrick North
High Concept | Forever and Always Your Boss | Skills | |
Trouble Aspect | Bound to serve | | As Required |
Aspect | You don't keep a dog and bark yourself | | |