Story Chronology

There are a number of Asylum stories now, so I thought it might help to have a place where they are listed in chronological order. (If these links do not work, please try opening them in a new tab/window)

(If you are looking for an 'overview' of the Asylum universe - Take a look at A Head Above The Waves, Jack DeMontford's journal - warning it does contain spoilers as it is set after many of the fictions below.)

Please note - the pieces followed by a * were written for the Writeon Weekend Write in challenges. This typically involved writes on a theme and have a 500 word limit. As a result they are very brief qlimpses into the world of the Asylum.
Many of these have been included and expanded in Flash of Insanity

Not Meant To Know 

Summer 2006- There are some things Man Was Not Meant To Know. Adrian Savas is about to discover what happens when they do. 

This is the teaser short story I wrote in 2005 that grew into the Asylum series.

Deep End Of The Asylum

Sept 2006 - The world is not as stable and logical as it appears: Things born from nightmares lurk in the shadows. Creatures that gave rise to ancient legends hide in remote places. Arcane thoughts twists the boundaries of the reality so entities from beyond can worm their way in. Defence of the realm falls to the Asylum; a government agency shrouded in as much mystery as that they fight. It's not a job you apply for and Warren DeMontford was just seconded in.

A Creature Of Deception.

November 2006 - Emrys, War and Iain are on the trial of a dangerous creature, complicated by the fact even it doesn't know what it is.

Fragments Of Family

Jan 2007 - Warren DeMontford, still trying to come to terms with his new assignment, has been tasked with expanding the team - A quest that will make him question everything he believes.

Now complete and has 'swallowed' Black and White and Blue All Over and A Job For North also The Man Who Knows No Fear has been inserted

Knight in Amour

Feb 2008 - The hungry moon coincides with a full lunar eclipse. Warren DeMontford and Kirsty Goddard are sent to infiltrate a new age feminist group suspected of being the front for a earth mother coven. They arrive just as the women are preparing to celebrate the Feast of Lupercalia, and inadvertently provide vital 'fresh blood' to aid in the ceremonies.

Warning: Sexually explicit content and violence. Do not read if you are likely to be offended or if you are under-age for your country/culture.

Bit Big for a Cupid *

A War-less Asylum story revealing what the gang get up to when he is not there to keep them in line.  Probably happens during Knight in Amour.

Beast in Belgravia

spring/Summer 2008 - Now in progress Now includes  An Invitation to Di e*

War and Kirsty are sent to deal with the aftermath when the letter 'n', the host and the lifes of 80 bodies are found to be missing after a high society party. High chance this will actually move to earlier and become part of Beast of Belgravia

Sorry Raymond *

Feb 2009 -The Asylum are called in to investigate a missing child. - Another one written for the write-in challenge. This one might expand.

Which Witch is Which?*

summer 2009 - Some days in SWORD are not as glamours as others, but the tasks can be equally hazardous to your health. Today they encounter a classic archetype which brings logistical problems not covered at Sandhurst - Cat herding. Written for the Weekend Write-In prompt "Clowder"; "Imagine what happens when a character tries to wrangle a group of cats"

Broken lions

Sept 2009 - In a world a few steps to the left from our own, A dangerous battle is kept hidden away from inquisitive eyes and curious minds, because Knowledge is Power - specifically the Knowledge of the Demonic threat beyond gives them the power to enter.  Only a few man the battlements to keep them out. One of the agencies cursed with the task, is a forgotten arm of the UK Government, nicknamed the Asylum, and their armed response unit - SWORD

This is one of their stories - and the 1st one I wrote!

Thornton Street 

Jan 1927 & 2010 The roaring twenties, after the deaths in the Great War saw a rise in Spiritualism. Sometimes the seances found something beyond that was not the lost loved ones they were hopping for. 
Eighty years later, Warren DeMontford and his new partner, Dorian Lakin, are finally sent to look into one of these events.

The Can - Should Interface *

SWORD respond to a case of a breach of the  "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD" maxim. 


George's Bad Decision *

The Henry the Sad Banana - Asylum cross over  written for the doubt write in challenge -  If it was in any way canon - would fit in here.

[The Glyndwr Papers are compiled by Dorian at around this point in the time line] 

Sons of War Novella (march to October 2012)

Made by combining and expanding:

        One Way Ticket

        Familiar Faces

        Family Feuds  

        Industrial Dispute 

        The Need To Know List

Which were all written for various Weekend Write-in Challenges

The Long Way Up* -  "Items" Weekend write-in & epilogue to Sons of War.
Now Part of Two Princes

Duplex Missmatch *

Dorian's side project to preserve Emrys' knowledge - The Glyndwr Papers  backfires when the wrong file is included in the archive.-

This probably actually occurs during Sons of War during the inquiry mentioned in Home Sweet Home as Iain and War's relationship has definitely progressed. But I am reluctant to put it in there as it would distract from the focus on the children that Sons of War should have.

On The Wrong Track

A Jack and Jason story, started for the Marooned weekend write in but it wrote out too long. Jack and Jason miss the train and encounter one of Wales's supernatural entities.
Now Part of Two Princes

A Real Friend Would...*

The Padre asks Warren for a  hand.

Ghost Tours *

Spring 2013. War is sent to deal with an incident of miss behaviour at a famous haunted site.

An Illusion Of Choice & When Your God Demands It All *

May 2013. War is sent to deal with a cult occupying an isolated farm.

Waste Not, Want Not *

Written for the recycling weekend write in . War's unexpected encounter with a Remnant sets him thinking, but not enough to spot the parallels with his own life.

The Brutality of War Poets *

War has to deal with a Demonic Containment Breach in the the Deep stores. Links into Caught Between Beast and Man and Waste Not, Want Not.

Beware of the dog *

May 2014 -The squad are sent to clean up after a paranormal investigation team make a stupid mistake.

Meat For The Beast Now complete

Summer 2014 - Kirsty and Warren are sent north of the border to set things up in case the Scots vote yes on independence. Trouble is waiting for them.

This story has adult and sexually explicit content. Click here for a plot summary, if you prefer not to read adult material.

Keeping the Peace  *

The rare inclusion of a guest creates an awkward atmosphere for the Old Sailors Monthly Meal on HMS Belfast.

Rare Find: Unique Lots *

A trip to an auction house with his new assistant makes War question the quality of the recruits coming into the organisation.

Write-a-long-a Rugby - Included in Flash of Insanity

Spring 2015 - An exercise in 'real time writing,' these were written whilst watching the relevant 6 Nation's Matches during Feb &March of  2015. The idea being to include events in a live sporting events as 'live' in the fiction. 
It's in the game - England vs Italy 14th Feb. War encounters a man from his past  at the Moon meal celebrations. 

Seeing Red in the Land of the Blue- Scotland vs Wales 15th Feb. Iain struggles with divided loyalties and War drops a Bomb shell.

The Race To Be Last -Scotland vs Italy 28th Feb. Cairngorm is frustrated by all sides as he tries to watch this critical game.

Rare Find: A rest day - War visits his family during his weekend off. Also inculded in Two Princes as it features the boys.

Tae Think Again - The Calcutta Cup 14th March

The Super Saturday- 20th March - The squad enjoy a team building opportunity at Dorians's house. 

At The Turn Of The Tide* 

A moment of stillness sets War on a trip down memory lane which leads him to an unpleasent realisation of his state of being.

Sea Legs

Jack and Jason's day out by the sea is brought to a sudden end when they are found by the Selkie.
Now Part of Two Princes

Crocodile tears

An account of an Asylum event form some one not "in the know".

A Head Above The Waves

A collection of memories, observations, reports and reflections on life in the Asylum by Jack DeMontford, Selkie, Asylum apprentice and Son of War. 


Part of Two Princes - Jason goes exploring HQ and inadvertently finds his future.

Way to Ace the Exam

Part of Two Princes- Iain's attempt to test Jason has unexpected results.

Jack of all

Part of Two Princes- Jack DeMontford's first solo field mission is more of an academic exercise than he had hoped.

The Kingsmen

Part of Two Princes - Paul reveals that a bit of War's past is more alive than War thought.

Some like it hot

Part of Two Princes -- an unfortunate yawn on the tube leads to a new person joining the Asylum

Geometric Progession

Part of Two Princes - Jason's magical practice gets a little out of hand.

Shadows Against the Moon

Written for 2015 July Nanowrimo and has absorbed Way to Ace the Exam

When War goes missing on a diplomatic mission the boys have to step up to the plate. But can they cope with his workload and save their dad?

Killing the Past

Written to deal with the aftermath of Shadows Against the Moon- as it all got away from me some what! Also includes the weekend Write-ins Bringing in the Harvest, Unintended Consequences, The Last Flight Of The Iron Duke, Return To Work and Earworm

The following pieces sit outside the established Time Line, But are included here for completion

flash back pieces

Events that came out of the 500 word challenges, that are 'historic' and predate the current Asylum timeline

A Ghost of A Chance *

Bit of a back ground piece which explains the origin of the (Non alcoholic) spirit in the Lock and Anchor

Duty Calls*

November 1974 - Warren's father receives confirmation that Warren is his son.

Caught Between Beast and Man*

Emrys is sent to interrogate a serial killer with and an unusual artistic affectation.

After The Worst Day Of Your Life.

How Al Springer came to be working for North. Now part of Cartesian_Products

Dreams can come true. They're called nightmares.*

How Kirsty Goddard (nee Wilmot) came to be working for North. Now part of Cartesian_Products

A Dance into Death.*

How Clancy Wade came to be working for North. Now part of Cartesian_Products

The True Price *
Story set in the Asylum universe but not featuring the Asylum Characters. Might grow into a story when the Asylum find out what has happened.

Prophetic pieces-

Events that came out of the 500 word challenges , but have not yet happened (and might never happen) in the current Asylum timeline

A Quiet Day On The Job *

Some point in the future... probably not on the cannon time line - I mean a quiet day in the Asylum! Come on. Hell will freeze over first.

The Cat To Kill All Hope *

Follows on from A Quiet Day On The Job, placing it in the far future. Written as part of this "This Just In: Weekend Write in Challenge.

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