What is this truth thing anyway?

Nick's flux questions.

Pick a Wop Below..


For some reason I haven't quite tracked down occasionally the answers do not appear in the forms (seems to happen after you have read 4-5 forms). If this problem occurs reload the page and select the wop again. If the entry should be blank it states [no response].
  1. What is flux?
  2. Where does flux come from?
  3. How does the Ebb-user draw/regenerate his own flux?
  4. How does flux, fed through a fomulaic equation become the ebb effect?
  5. What happens when the equation fails and the ebb-user loses his flux?
  6. Is it possible to have too much flux / too little flux
  7. Is flux only present for the use of the ebb-user or does it serve some other purpose / can it have some other effect

Alternatively Please mail me your answers to inspire other refs,
especially if they are different from the ones above.
THERE ARE NO 'WRONG' ANSWERES. This is your wop.I'm asking you to share it.

Also take a look at my TRUTH questions..