The light at the end of the tunnel


"I beg your pardon?"

"It's Fear, my OD is Fear."

"The system clearly gives your Operative Designation as "Dear"".

"It was a slip, the clerk at the hall mis-typed, skipped a key."

"But you signed the hardcopy?"

"Yeah, well, I didn't really look at it, I'd been waiting for over three hours, I was tired."

"Never the less..."

"Yes I understand, it's in hand, I've completed the required forms, they were faxed over a week ago. It's just a matter of them updating the system."

"I see, however I'm afraid that until such time...."

"Yeah, right, its anyway, you were saying...about the Silver?"

"I was, oh yes, your request for a Silver BPN. I have to say that I have your Squad's BPN history in front of me and I have to say that I am surprised at your request."

"I know, we've done lots of blues, that's what we've had since we left Meny, it's all we get offered every time we come here, and we were kind of hoping for something, well, cleaner."

"And more rewarding?"

"Of course, the money and SCL wouldn't hurt. The blues are costing a lot in ammunition and armour repair."

"The Department of Employment of course endorses and encourages a desire for improvement and self-betterment, they are after all cornerstones of the World of Progress. However so is Efficiency, you have a very high success rate with Blues."

"Well yeah, we're okay, that's good. I'm not saying we can't do them but we were wanting to get good at something else. Something that might get us media time."

"I see. I have your test scores and profiles here. I'd have to say that in my opinion your squad would not be suited to intense media work. That is not the opinion of the Department of Employment you understand, it's just that I have processed BPNs for some years now and you get a feel for such things."

"Oh OK. It doesn't have to be silver, a green perhaps, how about a white?"

"You don't actually have a squad member qualified in I&I do you?"

"Well no. But we've got a good scout, and a medic so we've got forensics support."

"I see, ah yes, I have her test scores here....ah. Well a further search has in fact turned up a white which would appear to suit your squads abilities and experience. It's issued by the Department of Sanitation."

"It's down a sewer isn't it?"

Comments / questions to Martin Wheeler

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