The DiggerDirective Part 4
Itwas close, dark, wet and particularly foul. But the sewers were a welcome relief from the war on the streetsabove. No longer needing stealth tosurvive their violent quest, the under dwellers had all vacated their realm forthe world above.
Maxwelldidn’t care a jot for the civilians above ground, seeing the real face or Mortfor the first time in their pathetic little lives. Their suffering made his way easier. Even though things could get very crowded down here very quickly,the weapon was particularly suited to this environment.
Maxwellhad been following this sewer for some time. He was familiar with this area, having completed literally hundreds ofBPN’s here. As much as his life heldgreater power than the average Operative, he needed to keep a low profile.
Theconstant drip and dribble sound of rainwater mixed with blood echoed throughoutthe tunnels. The temperature would beunbearable to most, but Maxwell was special after all.
Anothergrunt, another flash, another trail of pork smoke filled the air.
Anotherassortment of gaggles, snorts and yells. Another wide beam. More smokingmeat.
Maxwellwas actually getting bored. Before thechange, he would mourn all this death. He barely cared anymore. He hadbigger fish to fry. He would be passingunder the suburbia wall right now. Adull ‘thumpa thumpa’ filtered through from above. Surely they weren’t using Mako’s? If a fire broke out in downtown, no amount of Hammers could stopit among all this chaos. Not with therunning battles on both sides of the wall.
Maxwellssaw the Sewer lock ahead. A stark,rusty shield holding back the tides of shit and evil. Maxwell approached the access panel on the wall.
Theaperture was just large enough to squeeze through. From beyond, Maxwells’ enhanced ears could here stifledbreath. The breath was slow and measured,he had alerted something of his presence. Focussing his concentration, he listened to the depth and direction ofthe breath. Large lungs, mouth at 7feet, possibly a Shaktar or Stormer. There was little light from the other side, he would not be able to seethe breather.
CLICK,BANG. Maxwell recognised the sound oftwelve seven mil all to easily as it ricocheted down the tunnel behind him.
“Putthe Blitzer away. I mean you no harmfriend.”
Noanswer came to him. Clearly paranoiahad eaten into this one. Maxwell wasthankful for his lack of emotion, it was the best defence one could have in aworld gone mad without its god.
“Iam going to come through now. Being aoversized shite, I doubt I’ll do it quickly”
Theanswer came quickly. The voice was deepand fringed with fear. It held itsvowels awkwardly. It must belong to astormer, a very freaked out stormer.
“Showyou’re face”.
Maxwellknew he could barely take 12.7 to the face and survive.