Another day at the office

Day-trax log received by Alison Berrall, Executing Officer to Director Pernaud Vice.

6:01 - Good Morning Alison. Buy new dawn alarm for my apartment. Inform Central Services of restock of auto wash refill and alarm replacement. Remember to buy SLAmas present for little Chinchi, something dressy in yellow.

6:05 - The Killcopter was late. Have the Travel secretary reprimanded and the piloting staff downgraded to suburbia. Issue a Black BPN to sanction Killcopter crew, inform Central Security of Darknight activity and have Op Squad sanctioned simutaneously.

6:22 - Re: meeting with Department Head Strom at 6:45, retrieve three succulents from Trade post 10, preferably Ebons. Did you get the present for Chinchi yet?

6:55 - Issue White then Red BPN's against Trade post 10. Succulents were bruised and in poor condition. Mr Strom was displeased, enact lay-offs up to 100,000 credits per business sector to appease him in this quarters figures. Increase surveilance of Mr Strom through X-source, we need him replaced after next quarter.

7:15 - Re: X-source missing. Issue White BPN to locate it immediately. Have my Green suit sent to Section 7 head office level 121 with Porter Geena Froman. I expect them there in 10 minutes.

7:30 - Send clean up crew toSection 7 head office level 121. Terminate Geena Froman's D&D pension and downgrade her family to Downtown. Send any young ones to Trade post 12.

8:10 - Administrative processing for today, have ASO1 executive pool implement Issues 33452 to 88765 before 18:00 hours today. At 17:55 send issues 88766 to 98763 to be implemented before 19:30. Cancel all overtime payments for today. Terminate... whomever you think appropriate if these tasks are incomplete or running behind schedule.

8:30 - Book me in for D-stress for 8:45. Have the D-stress area cleared 5 minutes before my arrival.

8:44 - Get 3e coverage of D-stress clinic, put a DN spin on the story. Prepare an update on X-source location.

10:00 - Alison, I did not spend an hour in D-stress to have it fucked up with this news. Trace who poached X-source and get me a new killer on paper immediately. Make this your top priority.

10:10 - Re: memo from Shiver command. Inform Shiver command that the deaths of thier officers this morning were regrettable and that the company in no way intended to instigate a riot. The fact that SLAmas is tomorrow possibly compounded employee aggression upon termination of employment, leading to the incident. If they wish to receive compensation refer them to the Department of Psychology, Doctor Shree. He has prepared a Psycological exemption profile for the workers whose remains we managed to identify, that should get us off the hook for the whole lot. Why have I recieved no X-source updates.

10:30 - Organise a TeleEbb meeting with Maxon Hagen and Commander Cradle, I want to get this Shivchip deal finalised.

11:57 - Shivchip has been postponed again, they don't think we can match output and security requirements since this mornings lay-offs. Get me a new workforce immediately and increase advertising budget by 0.1%, I want incresed coverage during Slaughterhouse Six, apparently My Hagen watches it. Issue a hunter sheet on X-source for 20,000 credits, I want that traitor eliminated.

12:13 - Send a succulent to my present location, something around 12 years.

12:30 - 12 does not mean 16! Send the cleanup crew. Have transport on my roof in 3 minutes.

13:00 - You may lunch for 2 minutes, I'll be does up on Unwinders.

13:03 - Re: Hunter sheet. Send my condolences to Sour Blood's sponsors. At least his limbs will make good souvenirs for the kiddies. Speaking of Kiddies, let Chinchi open the present.

13:04 - Re: present, have a full doobrie set retrieved. I don't care about cost or body count. That should shut her up for a month at least, until she rips their heads off like the last set.

13:27 - Re: Meeting with ASX design. Review security at their location, this may take up the rest of the afternoon. I know it will be hard but try to move any news crews away from the area, I don't want to be seen there.

14:00 - Emergency comms are down at ASX. Terrorists are raiding the building, have reds issued against my location. DO NOT send transport yet, they have artillery. Find out which media crew spotted me and have them sanctioned.

15:00 - Security is holding, barely. I have three squads left holding the top three floors. I am informed the attackers are using War world tech, new stuff apparently. Squad three reported serial number 83bvf08bf94 before they were suppressed. Find out where these subversives are from.

16:00 - Re: source. This stinks, send in the transport. Find out who leaked those operations. If we handle this right we may still get back in Cradles good books.

16:30 - Get me a trace on this pilot, I don't recogn

16:45 - Alison, this is the Perfectionist. I'm X-source. Your hair is beautiful today, please bleed......