Deep Dark Downtown Paranoia.

That man is here again.
He was here yesterday as well.
He's good. He's changed his clothes and his face and his build but it's him.

I can tell.

They are very clever you know.
Standing at the bus stop like that thinking I won't notice them.
Some times they even get on the bus when it comes.

Like that fools me.

Three days ago it was a woman.
Very cunning. Pram and everything.
I know they are watching me.

But I am watching them.

You see I know.
I saw it you see.
And they know I know.

But I know they know so I'm one step ahead.

I see things down here. Things they don't want me to see
And I hear things. Things they don't want me to hear.
And I've figured it all out.

But I won't tell.

Not them any way.
I know they want to know what I know but I won't tell.
See they want to know, but they wont to know as well.

Play them off against each other. Cunning eh?

Dark night, Shivers, Slops, Props. I've seen them all.
I know how a like they are. I'm smarter than they think.
They call me Down town scum

But I'm still alive.

So I sit at my window and I watch.
And I scan the TV channels for the missing pieces.
Putting it together - I make a note of it all.

Told you I was bright.

On day, when it is finished,
I'll tell every one every thing.
Then they will find out how clever I am.

That will teach them for watching me.

That should have burnt it out of my system for a while.
I'm going for a coffee and something to eat.

Comments to Sue

More of sue's fiction.

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