> Imagine a child raised by Nec(s). Hey you could
> write a story alng those lines I suppose. Make the kid about 12 or
> something.
> -Andrew

My Dad

Even in kindergarten I knew something was different. The other kids would give me space and let me play with any toy I wanted. And no matter how much trouble I got into I was NEVER subjected to the dreaded Parent teacher conferences that were used to keep the others in line.

I was never sure why, to me he was just Dad.

Ok he was not my REAL dad. Well legally he was, he had pulled a few strings with the department of records just after I'd been born. He sat down with me once and did the "facts of life" thing and tacked on at the end that people like him couldn't have children of their own. But that didn't matter it just kind of explained why every one else had a Mum and I just had an endless string of sitters. But hey, I was far from the only lone parent kid in the class.

And ok most other families had a DAF or a DAC wandering around whilst our family pet, GC, was a little more unusual. I remember one early morning when I was taking GC for a walk and a group of guys form the DT school down the road decided to have a go at me.
Preen, his vassel at the time, was furious. Mostly because it made loads of paper work and took him ages to sort it all out.
Dad just mumbled something about the power of natural selection and took GC out for a special treat.

The worse thing was the way he would vanish of for days, weeks some times, on some special mission for 'Society'. Some time reappear in my bed room in the middle of the night and swear me to secrecy that he had not been there, something about family ties not being valued by his work associates. But that made it all the more special. I knew, despite all they said about him, that he did love me, he did care. I knew how much he put on the line just by having me around. Especially when it would have been all to easy just to palm me off on to some vessel or dump me in some orphanage. But he would never do that.

And I suppose at the end of the day that is what it comes down to. I know lots of people see Necanthropes as demons, but to me he really was my guardian angel. The thing that stood between me and all the harm that could befall me in this world.

To me he was simply,
My dad.



If one person believes......

Comments to Sue

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