The frother who's not happy request..

They say it is genetic you know. Some gland we have that others don't. Means we can take these drugs and avoid the long term bad effects they have.
I'm not so sure myself.
I mean have you seen any OLD combat frothers? Ok I'll admit there are a few, but they aren't that common. Lets face it, our survival rates are not high. Me, I reckon that we just don't live long enough for the side effects to show.
Have you ever seen a frother on Blaze UV? Stupid question, of course you have.
They are not exactly the clearest thinkers are they now. Being honest for a moment, how many of your ex squad members were taken out by their own drug filled stupidity?
Lets be straight here. What grabs the TV better? Drug fueled maniac rushing in and claymoring every one, or a thought out negotiated end to a siege?
SLA doesn't want thinkers on the street.
It wants killers.
SLA doesn't want operatives that question who they are killing and why. That might just uncover the lies.
They just want the bodies dead.
And that's what drugs do.
Make dead bodies.
Ours and theirs.

That's the truth, plain and simple. And it will probably get me killed.

Alasdair Campbell, Death squad, SCL6a, Solo operative.

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