FEN 0300 Mobile Command Centre
by FEN

Extract from Product Review in Mort Time

Its a bigger slower APC. Handles like a brick on a roller skate. What can I say?

The bumph goes on about 'versatility and unrivalled advanges ....[for]...the tactical and logistical management of an entire combat squad.' That may be true. But I just drive the things. What the squad gets up to when we get there is not my problem.

The extra meter width and length makes it even more of a pain to drive and park than a standard APC. Which I didn't think was possible.

The 'independently stabilized combat chair' is strange to sit. Personally I like the feed back through the seat of my pants when I am driving. When bouncing the Hammer around its nice to know if the back axle's dragging and I seriously doubt that this bit of kit would let me do that. May be for a driver that works on the flashing lights on the dash board to tell him the state of his vehicle this would be useful, but I hate it.

Once again FEN have included the HUD feed from the weapons system to the driver is a nice touch but with a vehicle this size there is no harm in leaving such things to a gunner.

The command chair is a bit of a joke, but you can fly around the inside of the APC to your hearts content.
Communication system would make me paranoid, but if you want to know what your squad is up to all the time this would do it.

'Big brother' is a nice idea for a military system where you are trying to control a large number of people. But in a small squad like NWO it all feels a little OTT.

The vehicle itself is, in my opinion, too big for the streets of Mort. Its ok in central but taking it into Down town was a nightmare. If you are a financier tactician controlling a group of Death squad then I can see its use. I'm sure Ultra Overkill will have one of these winging there way to them shortly.


At 30,000 more than a standard APC for a glorified scout helmet system which feeds back to the boss to tell you what is going on? I'd buy a couple of camera Tac coms, an Augustus and a parking space.

Andi, P&N for NWO

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