
by Kris Steel

Puppet Masters

Soft voice "Subject 20348, female of ebon subspecies Humanis Humanis Rancor. Age approximately 22-28 mature adult, no wounds."
Cold voice "Subject 20348 appears to lack science friction armour and enhancements used by SLA operative, 1Meaks report, possible Darknight Shadowmaker?
Electronic voice "Negative, lack of chemicals in bloodstream consistent with Darknight Shadowmaker to 99.8% probability. Warning, detection of advanced brain activity in frontal lobes."
Cold voice "Beginning vivisection of lower abdomen on subject 20348, subject is still restrained and unconcious. Laser scalpel is ineffective upon contact with skin, using conventional bone saw"
Soft voice "Advise 1Meaks. Subject 20348 is alert and aware of surroundings" bzzzzzzzzz
Cold voice "Ahhhhh!"
Soft voice "1Meaks. Subject 20348 has seized use of bone saw and is removing 34's left ear" bzzzz
old Voice "Noooo, stop it AAAAH!"
Electronic voice "Advise 33, remain at station until assistance has arrived" bzzzzzzzzz
Cold Voice "AAAAAAH!, AAAAAAAAH!" BzzzzzzzzZ KANG!
Soft Voice "Acknowledged 1Meaks. Advise 1Meaks, Subject 20348 has rendered 34 inactive after removing minor external organs in the face, groin area and has rendered bone saw inoperable."
Angry female voice "you little mother fuc..."
Soft voice "Advise 1Meaks, permission to flee as Subject 20348 is advancing on my position and has displayed ebb ability blue thermal?"
Electronic Voice "Acknowledged 33, permission to flee granted"

Although her vision was still blurry Serravalen cut through the remaining straps holding her to the stainless steel table with a 30cm long peice of razor sharp ice grown in her right hand. A departing man in the black robed garb of a militia doctor was heading for the large steel door that was currently locked with two huge bolts in a brightly lit room of white tiles, she was on him in an instant. 33 turned in time to block the descending frozen dagger as the very hostile woman grabbed him around the throat with her left hand, "its not nice to laser a girls belly button when she's asleep you little pervert!" Slowly the woman began lowering the blade closer to 33's chest despite his best efforts to stop her, hitting her in the face with his clenched fist doing nothing. It was like punching a peice of concrete and finally the blade began parting his skin and creeping in between his ribs, 33 increased his blows at a frantic pace but it did nothing. Subject 20348 moved the blade slightly to the right so that it would avoid his heart and eased it further into the chest cavity of the medic, his screams echoed through the cavernous room but still the blade crept through his body and his shreiking for mercy was lost as she killed him very, very slowly.
Serravalen took closer note of the room while both the medics died from extensive lacerations, the one near the table she'd been strapped too would die in about 4-5minutes which suited her just fine and she gathered up some of the equipment that was lying around. Bodies of 2-3 dozen humans where laid out on the rows of tables as the medics had done their gristly work, the two Shaktars Ktr'n and Gnk'rll, lay mutilated from a lot of extensive vivisection of their bodies. That was discouraging as she seemed to be the only one alive, her equipment was laid out nicely in little steel trays under the table in precise order, taking her pistol she shot out the 3 cameras covering the room and brought the deathsuit out from underneath her skin. Pumping huge amounts of flux into the opaque white and highly onamantal suit it quickly doubled in size and doubled her bulk with masses of science friction material, it could at this stage of its development deflect most common smaller calibres and take a lot out of the larger ones. The little brown speaker on the wheeled trolly began hissing static, that annoyed her so she broke it with the butt of her carbine and began stalking around the room looking for Church.
The ebon awoke to find what looked like a huge white muscled creature standing over her strapping her deathsuit on, there was some howling and wimpering somewhere nearby that disturbed her because it didnt sound like noises any sentient being would make. "Its ok Church, your vision will come back soon enough. Looks like your a lucky one, cant find Sandy and the Shaktars are dead." There was also a loud banging echoing through a brightly lit room that she couldnt determine the source of, the voice was Serravalen's though and that was reassuring enough to ease the panic away a little. "Quickly, put the rest of your suit on I have to go do something. Dont move from here." Obediently she did what she was told and fumbled the suit over the exposed parts of her body, that at least she could do in the dark from basic training for such occourances. Nearby the thing that was crying out in pain shreiked as it was kicked and continued its wimpering.
Serravalen came back to the ebon woman who had finally composed herself to work out where, what was happening around her just long enough for her companion to bundle her off to the far corner of the room and told to hide behind some overturned shelves and tables. The pounding on the door had subsided for now, "what are we going to do?" Church asked meekly clutching her flintlock rifle against the back wall, Serravalen gave her the signal to be quiet with a finger pursed to her lips and held something black in her right hand that Church didnt recognise, "we wait for a moment."
They didnt have to wait long, there was the sound of something big moving around that they could feel through the floor like regular footsteps and then all hell broke loose. Chunks of the barricaded steel door flew across the room and there was the roaring of the Thresher cannon that deafened the two women who had hidden behind the overturned tables. Depleted uranium shells blasted concrete, steel and corpse alike, one narrowly missing Serravalen by millimetres as it went through 3 inches of steel door, several tables and half a dozen corpses before burying itself deep in the wall next to her. Just as suddenly as the shooting started it was over and two 10 foot tall bipedal powersuits ducked through their makeshift entryway and began scanning through the room, "Sarge suits!" Church hissed quietly through her teeth and began formulating the biggest ebb blast she could remember, Serravalen pressed her detonator and the whole room flashed a bright yellow as the directional charges went off. Badly disabled one of the powersuits went down as a leg articulator was blown clean off at the knee area, the other something damaged internally had its jump pack start up at full throttle. 2500 kilograms of uncontrolled armour reached 0-315km/h in less than 3 seconds, rebounding off the roof first before slamming 3 times around the room destroying everything in its path, before bounding out the same way it had come in and careening off down a corridor in a trail of sparks. Church issued a killing blast on the last suit crawling on the floor from her flintlock rifle which blew a 10cm hole through the suits torso. Stunned momentarily the two emerged from their little corner and surveyed the scene of carnage and then decided to run off after the rampaging powersuit as it smeared everything in its path against the walls, floor and ceiling.

1Meaks had a problem, the necanthrope it had been using was expended and it could no longer draw on the beings abilities to acheive the ebb effects and now its last line of defence with the two captured thresher suits was gone. One of which was careening though its domain wrecking equipment and turning 1Meaks' troops and assistants into red organic smears along the corridors, worse yet there was the problem with the two other ebbs who had inadvertantly begun heading in its direction. They could pose a serious threat if they where not neutralised quickly, 1Meaks was skilled and poweful but it worked out the odds and gave itself a 77% chance of success against the intruders, the availability of the weaker ebb user subject 20342 increased those odds to 84%.
Sandy had been drained of flux by something and the exertions of the last two days had caught up with him, a deformed figure was shambling about the dimly lit room. A suit of black Crackshot armour with its helmet missing and a lot of mesh reinforced tubes comming out of the neck and back area, Behind the crackshot a dark metallic sphere 6 feet in diameter hovered off the floor being dragged along by the tubing, the name plate on the armour read as being Col A Meaks and the white cross meant he was once SLA militia medical corps. He looked up around the small circular chamber and managed to stand to his feet, there was more of the strange mesh tubing comming out of the top of the sphere and it branched up into the ornate iron girders that lined the room like a cage.
1Meaks shambled over to the weakened brainwaster and grabbed ahold of Sandy's deathsuit by the front with its right gauntlet, there was a stench of death about the man that made Sandy feel ill. Much the same feeling as when he had been near a necanthrope, 1 Meaks studied him carefully with his gaunt, pale, hairless features impassive. "Subject 20342 what is your purpose here?"
Subject 20342's response and attempted violence was insufficient so 1Meaks realised that it would have to use more advanced means of gaining information and planted the control spike into the shoulder of 20342. After some mental struggle 1Meaks eventually had what it wanted and the subject beagn submitting a lot of infomation which it could use. Not as strong or experienced as the Humanis Humanis Necros species the subject would do fine for what he intended, a suit of Sarge armour ploughed through the wall just left of the door and came to a whinning halt halfway through leaving a large hole in wall. This was something 1Meaks had not expected to happen and began developing a contingency plan as the suits jump pack spluttered and stopped with a stench of burning KAD-C and metal.

"Where are we going?" Church was having trouble keeping up with the sprinting Serravalen, "we're leaving, we'll get Robertson and come back, kill everything and go home." Eventually Serravalen slowed her pace and stopped to rest panting heavily from the exertion, Church caught up and fell to her knees, "how do we know where 'out' is?" That hadn't occoured to the brainwaster who had mearly been following the out of control Sarge suit because it was the easiest way of going somewhere, "I dont know, but at least whatever is in front of that suit is well dead. We'll work something out once we get there." That didnt sit well with Church's more methodical approach to problems but seeing as she had no idea either where she was, there wasnt really any other options left. Instead of running they slowed down to a walk, following the trail of body parts littered along the corridor. Stopping briefly every now and then for Serravalen to plant the occasional booby trap to cover their back in case they where being followed. "I could try to contact Robertson," the ebon sat down and concentrated while Serravalen stood on watch, reaching out she managed to touch the mind of Robertson who was very far away. At first he resisted and denied her ebb telepathy but on the second try he accepted her as she pushed through a feeling of urgency, "Help! Were stuck down in the bunker, theyre all dead except myself and Serra"
Robertson was unused to such means of communication like her mind bridge so he struggled to respond to Church, "ok, stay put and we'll be there in 3 hours." Church mentioned that there where booby traps and urged them to come quicker, but Robertson explained or rather emapathised he had problems of his own. For a human he didnt do too bady she thought.
"How did it go?" Serravalen asked as Church came out of her meditation, "3 hours, he is still in conflict with something." That seemed to make the waster look downhearted or maybe mad but it didnt seem to be the solution they where looking for, "well, we can keep moving for now and maybe find a better place to hide."
At least they had some plan now which was better than Serravalen's running around mindlessly killing everything until they ran out of flux and ammo or by chance found a way out. Avoiding the sticky parts that dotted the tunnel the pair moved along quickly, hearing that the Sarge suit had finally stopped somewhere brought a new sense of urgency as had several detonations in the tunnels behind them.

1Meaks tapped into the subjects mind and used the abilities within to formulate a crude if somewhat effective effect as two figures appeared near the hole in the wall, deciding the larger one with a rifle was more of a threat as it had already killed several of his subjects. The target moved quickly sensing something wrong but 1Meaks aim fell true and the target was slammed into the wall opposite with enough force to crack the concrete and fell down, he lost aquisition on the second as it moved behind the wall. It made another calculation of where the smaller target would be and sent Subject 20342 to locate and destroy it. 20342 bounded out through the hole with its sword in hand.
"Sandy!" Church's elation faded as she realised that there was something wrong with her friend and there was a weird looking metal spike in his left shoulder with a glowing white ball on the end of it. He reached down to slash the now screaming woman with a wicked looking glyph blade ablaze with killing energy, his hand paused for a moment as Sandy tried to regain control. That was enough time for Serravalen to put a round through the would be killers stomach, she was shocked that Sandy didnt die instantly from the huge 17mm rifle round, all he did was stand there holding the sword and looking perplexed while Church kicked wildly on the floor trying to get away. Serravalen stood up shaken, with a a smoldering black hole in her deathsuit, "you always were the weaker one," and began blazing away at Sandy forcing him back into the room gradually before a running kick sent him spinning back in to land at the feet of 1Meaks bleeding from massive tissue damage.
She was shocked at the scene inside and the appearance of the medic in Crackshot that began dumping enourmous amounts of raw flux into the broken waster at its feet to repair the damage. Chambering a HEAT grende she launched it at 1Meak's face where it appeared to impact on something for all intents and purposes looked like a TK sheild to her. TK sheilds eventualy could be destroyed so she pumped the action and sent another 5 from the magazine into him, a discharge of flux behind her let her know Church was still in the fight and that managed to knock the medic away from Sandy breifly.
Re establishing control over the subject and having healed its wounds 1Meaks sent 20342 back at the larger target and focused his attention on the second target that, despite its size was quite destructive and needed to be neutralised quickly. Church ducked under the ebb blast from the medic and threw one back of her own that sent it reeling back, there was a problem though. She was running low on flux from the blasting and her target although not as powerful had an inexaustable supply and was vastly superior in armour. Seeing Sandy charge back out again forced Serravalen against the outside wall and she held the trigger down on the carbine, mostly missing the quick and evasive target that was using a huge amount of flux to sustain itself. Doubt crept in as she noted he would probably not die quickly enough before he reached her with the sword, she hurled the carbine like a spear and the vibro bayonet impaled Sandy through the chest. It didnt kill him but it did allow her time as he was weighted down by the weapon, formulated a TK sheild, drew her sabre and pistol and charged him while he was still off balence.
Peices of concrete and brick where disappearing around Church at a rapid rate as 1Meaks continued blasting away her cover before she had an idea, which was disrupted by being trodden on by Sandy as he entered an extreamly violent melee with Serravalen who, despite her skills at protection was getting badly cut up. 1Meaks had the target now and the little woman was about to be annihilated when she did something that 1Meaks didnt expect her to do, which was jam a rock in the trigger mechanism of the Thresher cannon pointed into his room.
Depleted Uranium was extreamly toxic to flux users which was essentially was the thing that was 1Meaks basic makeup, if the cyclic rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute from the cannon didnt do the job anyway. 1Meaks worked out the averages of that many bullets in his area to hit him, just in time as several rounds ruptured the metal containment vessel being towed behind him.
All the air was vacuumed out of the area as the containment vessel imploded, leaving Serravalen and Church gasping on the floor for oxygen while Sandy's body flew into a painfully bright area of the room. Serravalen managed to prevent Church from being sucked in as well by rolling them to one side before they both passed out.


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