
by Kris Steel

84 minutes later

"You, YOU JUST cannot. I repeat must NOT! Serve a termination order on a SLA employee for what was it?
An unleashed pet in his possession on a city street!" The man from control who they know only as Agent Jake was almost on the verge of having an embolism after screaming at Serravalen in the confines of the dropship. His normally dapper appearance ruffled at the apparent apathy of the intended target, so much so he couldnt even move for fear of doing something or somebody nearby a greivous injury with whatever was at hand.
"That unleashed pet caused the death of 9 SLA employees and the injury of 17 others, plus colateral damage to 6 vehicles..."
"Bullshit! You kicked it"
"It was comming right for me!" How Serravalen managed to keep a straight face with such a blatent lie was beyond Jake, he was getting even more annoyed with the muffled laughter from the other 9 operatives inside the ship.
"Oh and I suppose this 'dog' posed a threat to you and your angel class deathsuit didnt it Agent Serravalen?" Jake decided he wasnt finished with the smart mouthed waster just yet, "it had already killed Agent Sandy's cat sir..."

That was it for Jake, he didnt care anymore and decided to continue on more sedate tones after losening his tie, "well, your going with these assholes here," he gestured to the heavily armoured mix of humans, Shaktars and the sole Frother around them, "and you go to Dante with them and do what this prick here tells you to do." Jake pointed rudely at a rather miffed looking Shaktar, "and give them ebb assistance, advice and healing. Have a nice fucking trip and do try to get killed horribly while your there..."
The frother up the back near the crates began laughing extreamly loudly and was soon joined by a host of others nearby, Jake stormed out of the ship, down the ramp and began screaming at his driver.
The huge Shaktar Jake had insulted earlier let out a hiss to vent his disgust at the human and quickly regained his normal composure to face the newly arrived trio, motioning to the 2nd in command to prep the troops for launch with hand signals. "Welcome, I am Lord Gnk'rll and I have been placed in charge of this mission. Normally I would draw from other sources to supply the flux use, but we are short of war world experienced agents and your team was the best that is left so I am lucky to have you." Church, who unlike the others knew a little Shaktarian managed the formal greeting of service and this seemed to please the enourmous alien a great deal for her effort. "Come, I have made allowances for you to be provided with equipment, I have inspected it myself and have tailored it to your abilities," Lord Gnk'rll motioned for them to follow through the busy internals of the dropship. "There is little to fear of Dante, we will not be going in front line areas", a feeling of releif passed through the three followers. "There are subversives in the ranks of the militia and they are most dangerous, I will tell you more as we travel."
Cameoflage pattern 068 fatigues where hardly high fashion but they where standard company militia issue complete with biological and chemical protection that would serve the wearer well on the hostile planet. Gnk'rll stressed that this would be as low key as possible, like all missions they seemed to do, so the uniform would help them blend in. Gasmask, rations, scanners, boots, water canteens, backpacks, webbing and a whole pile of other assorted bits and peices that only Sandy seemed to know what was for weighed them down. Church had to pack some of hers into Sandy's kit and Gnk'rll left them in the charge of one of his lieutenants to familiarise them with the equipment and break out some weapons for them.
Agent Robertson proved to be a worthwhile instructor to the two women but Sandy seemed to be in some kind of trance again as he often did lately and he knew what the equipment did anyway. Robertson didnt seem to mind, it gave him more time to flirt with the women, "this is some ebb stuff, I dont know what it'll do. Guess thats yer job eh?" He had a funny off world accent that none of them recognised except that a sentance, description and often an answer would end in "eh" or "ay" as some kind of approval or agreement from whoever he was talking to at the time.
Serravalen seemed happy enough with with a collection of burn gems and a Fen 400 carbine that had a grenade launcher, Church looked agast considering the amount of chaos that her friend could usually cause with the simplest of things lately. She choose a Dark Lament rifle from the mix of assorted weapons, a far superior version of the pistol version she was more used to using, it could focus the ebb blast abilities into a far more lethal range and effect. Normally a passive, non combatant there was another side to the ebon that her friends had seen unleashed in self defence, formidable and capable delivering the equivelent of artillery in split seconds. This used a lot of flux so she got the lions share of the burn gems.
Always one to do things simply, Sandy picked out a short glyph sword and a silenced FEN 24-SC Warmonger submachinegun, a few gems and that was it. Robertson seemed perplexed that they didnt seem to want more, "yer going to Dante, you know. Try to look not like Ebbs eh. They target the ebbs first the Thresher do ay." Just on that not they all decided to take a spare ebb medkit and healing drugs, not that it would help much if they caught a round from the enemies deadly weaponry.
There was a breif familiarisation with their fellow agents who seemed a relatively happy crew, depite the fact the odds where somewhat stacked against most of them comming back alive. Scanning the thoughts onboard Church figured it must have been some resignation to accept the inevitable, Sandy didnt seem to care either way but favoured not comming back and Serravalen was deep down terribly frightened or anxious. There where so many strange, terrible and unique weaponry amongst them that was never permitted on Mort for obvious reasons. Even a rare plasma ejector or two that must have been dug out of a museum and other assorted high explosive weaponry capable of leveling a city block. Ancient powersuits that had long thought to have dissappeared from the world of SLA industries from the long defunct companies that made it. the smallest and most modern appeared to be Dogybone, abit heavily reinforced with extra armour plating and articulation.
Someone had done something extreamly bad to make the department break out its assault agents like this.


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