March 02's Competition Entry

Adam Page
The Gates
Entry text

Its a pretty crappy entry, but its worth a go isn't it :)

I feel small... I am humbled...
I am insignificant...

All around me I hear the whispered intakes of breath as the other competitors release the scale of the gates in front of us. The adrenaline peters out, shoulders droop as those who are psyched up suddenly cowl in the shadow of the immense steel doors.

Of the 20 contract killers standing in front of these gateways of death, only 3 stand proud. I am one of those. I have been here before.

Johnny Automatic stands to my right. His eyes are closed, and he mutters to himself. The words sound foreign, and despite them being whispered, they seem to echo around the base of the giant gates. He too has been here before, he too has felt the humbling knowledge that these gates have stood for 600 years.

The other who hasn't backed off is more restless. She paces up to the gates and runs her hand over the intricately carved surface, tutting at the slight amount of rust that rubs off. It is then that she turns to face me and I understand. This is Delia, she who has faced death and returned. She does not fear the gates.

I lift my head to the overcast sky, close my eyes and repeat my Bitter liturgy, an ancient prayer of blessing.

Our father, who art in suffering
Receive our cries of victory,
That you may find victory over your nemesis
For thine is the World of Progress
Forever in torment

As the massive gates swing open, I lift my Flick Scythe from the ground, holding it ready in two hands and face the vista of Cannibal Sector 1.

And smile...


I like this.

Nice moment in time piece piece of fiction which makes me want to know more about the character. However the guy in the picture is looking a little under armored to be going into CS1.- even with the Slayers prayer - I can't help feeling you can take the acute fantasist disadvantage too far.


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