Woody asked if I would post this.
There you go Woody...

Slayer sitting in his office. He feels a warm breeze on the back of his neck and he can smell the blood on the breeze.

"What do you want?"

"There is no need to take that tone." The voice was soft almost musical but cold and evil in its resonance.

"You have no place here. Go back to your desert." The bitter hiss in Slayers voice betraying his anger.

"We have much to talk about, you and I."

Slayer turns from the window and stairs into the bleeding eyes of his intruder.

"We have NOTHING to discuses! Leave!" Slayers voice had risen to a deep growl.

"Oh come now, here we are to old friend just..."

"FRIENDS! You should know your place and that place is not here!"

"I know, but it will be, it will be soon."

"Over my d..." Slayer stopped mid sentence realising what he was about to say.

"Exactly. Cold, dead, lifeless. Not much change really. Be seeing you, seeing you real soon, my dear old friend." Maniacal laughter echoed round the office then dissipated.

Four Black Chapter guards burst through the doors of Slayers office.

"Sir, we detected an intruder in the building."

Slayer turned and watched the rain lash against the window.

"You're fired, sergeant. Get out."

Comments to Morton
"A library is thought in cold storage."

More of Morton's fiction.

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