Note: Being in a totally non medical profession the reports in here are vague and incomplete due to a lack of knowledge and apathy. :-)

Lambs to The Slaughter

By Dan Scott. 22nd June 2000.


Chrystal ran. She wasn't exactly sure why.
It was the look in his eyes that spooked her the most.
His clothes were dirty and rain soaked. But it was that intense look in his eyes.
Her splashing foot steps echoed down dark alleys as she passed.
The downtown street all but empty and what inhabitants were there were apathetic.
*Come here little lamb.*
Chrystal rounded a corner and headed for her apartment block. She could see it a block away.
At this late hour even this street was empty.
*Come and play little lamb.*
She hoped her mother was awake.
She looked tentatively over her shoulder.
He was still there a deeper shadow in the blackness.
Chrystal heard the scrape of his knife leaving the sheath and she ran faster.
*I have a toy for you.*
Chrystal then sprinted across the street at a rapid pace.
Once again she looked over her shoulder but saw nothing but she still heard his footsteps echoing through the gloom.

Bonus Operative

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Fuckin' cunt!" flicking on his headset. "This is Davad Malta. I need a Shiver clean-up at Unit 45 Number 6 Pyrmount Street Sector 3 Downtown. BPN number W009017218"
Davad sat on a chair near the door and tore the lining of his new B.S.C Weapon Mount Long coat and wrapped the rag tightly around his right leg. He flicked his wrist and the Boopa unit delivered a dose of Kick-start that quickly numbed the pain.
He hated shotgun wounds. Bastards of things never heal properly.
He'd come here to question Louise Barrett about the death of her husband. Just routine.
Davad looked around the lounge of the apartment.
Besides the corpse it looked like the inhabitants lived simply. Except for the Gauss Train that had gone through smashing everting that was breakable and even some things that weren't.
He noticed a couple of photo frames on the floor that had been smashed. Without standing he reached over and picked one up.
A smiling couple with a new baby.
Looked a little like his own baby girl Davia.
The next photo was a simple portrait of the husband. Haldeth Barrett.
"Poor fucker."
There was a quiet knock at the door.
Probably just a neighbour coming to check out the gun-fire. Shivers wouldn't be that quick.
Davad opened the door an inch.
He saw the whirl of a black cloaked figure and the door smashed open catching Davad in the forehead and knocking him unconscious.


"Autopsy of Davad Malta. Attending pathologist Opal Blackstar. Employee number EM4500991. Time is 9:25pm on Friday 12th of July 901SD."
"Victim is human...male...approximately 30 years of age."
"Initial findings. Seems the victim died of multiple lacerations to the torso and limbs. By the look of the wound and residue we have a shotgun wound to the right leg. The right eye has been completely removed. Blunt trauma to the frontal lobe indicates he was unconscious during major mutilation."
"Cause of death: Homicide."
"Death seems to have occurred at approximately 6:30pm yesterday on the 11th."
"Autopsy complete 9:55. Case closed."

"Autopsy of Louise Barrett. Attending pathologist Opal Blackstar. Employee number EM4500991. Time is 10:15pm on Friday 12th of July 901SD."
"Victim is human...female...approximately 35 years of age."
"Initial findings. The victim suffered from massive mutilation of the torso. Heart has been removed. Right eye has also been removed."
"Bruising and rope burn on wrists and ankles indicate the victim was bound." "What's this? I am now taking a sample from a wound in the victims side just above the hip. Seems to be...holy shit...is that??...semen? Sick fuckers."
"Cause of death: Homicide."
"Death occurred at 8:45pm yesterday the 11th."
"Initial autopsy complete 11:30pm. Investigations to resume when test results are in."

"Autopsy of Chrystal Barrett. Attending pathologist Opal Blackstar. Employee number EM4500991. Time is 11:55pm on Friday 12th of July 901SD."
"Victim is human...female...approximately 12 years of age."
"Initial findings. Corpse in all most identical condition to mother. Massive mutilation of the chest. Heart also removed. Right eye missing."
"The same bruising and burns on wrists and ankles indicating immobilization."
"Also taking samples from wound...what the...this victim appears to have multiple wound on lower torso identical to the mothers one. Also finding what seems to be semen around wounds."
"Cause of death: Homicide."
"Death occurred approximately 11:30pm yesterday the 11th."
"Initial autopsy complete 1:05am. Investigation to resume when test results are in."
"No wonder I'm an alcoholic."


To: Employee pathologist Opal Blackstar EM4500991
From: Assistant Director Felwar Jones.
Your comments on the last two autopsies performed yesterday were inappropriate and uncalled for. We would appreciate a report of the fact's alone.
We have been lenient and only docked your pay 100c for this over sight. Next time more severe measures will be taken.
Have a nice day and take pride in rapid work practices.

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