January 9th 902SD

I've done this job for ten years.
Is it any wonder I doubt my own sanity?
Seeing operatives daily. Asking the same questions.
Hearing variations of the same answers.
The longest break I had was six months, four months of which I'd spent in a coma due to an over-zealous patient who didn't like me asking about his mother. He decided to kick six shades of brown out of me.
Working for SLA was fun to start with. But when I watched my patients on TeeVee it made me chill and change the channel. I haven't watched GoreZone for nine and a half years.
But in the last month things have gone from bad to worse.
A Mr. Ferris had joined my department. Now I'm not sure exactly who he worked for.
My boss was David Santose who gave lee-way to both the operative and the analyst. And when an operative by the name of Karen Tate AKA 'The Red Sorceress' who was also a contract killer failed her six monthly evaluation Mr. Ferris stepped in and she was given the all-clear. This I could handle even though I have heard rumors that he'd stepped in on several other cases.
But in a general meeting where Mr. Ferris stated "you are becoming uneconomical" I started to truly hate him. Our work-loads were to increase and visitation times were to be cut in half.
I feel as though I'm holding prone every small child that gets slain by my patients and my life has become increasingly depressing.
I don't know how much longer I can stand it.

*** Gilliam Heather was found dead in his uptown apartment this morning from a self-inflicted gun-shot wound to the head. He was under close scrutiny for 2 months by his superiors due to "suspicious" behavior. It is believed he was a Dark Night subversive who was close to discovery and took his own life when his supply of "shatter" had run out.

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