Bonky The Stormer

Part the tenth

The dark, damp atmosphere of the sewer system in this section might be eerie were the surroundings not so achingly familiar, to everyone in the squad. Blake the financier had said things like 'low risk, moderate yield operations' when they had asked him why they had been consistently passed up for bigger and better things - to which Steve usually said something rude and Sleet grinned as widely as possible. Bonky's sense of smell is more acute than yours or mine and he can often smell when people start to sweat. Often in Blake's case it happens soon after Sleet has opened his mouth.

In his current locale, however, Bonky's nostrils are assailed by an odour that might at best be called pungent and at worst be called something that the Operative's handbook suggests would incur SCL penalties if ever aired on any channel. Bonky flips a small toggle switch, OKs the instruction through the HUD, and breathes a sigh of relief as his filtered air supply kicks in. The slightly metallic taste in the back of his mouth is a small price to pay, he thinks, to be rid of the stench around him.

The others are doing the same, except of course for Mel, who looks only a little smug in her figure hugging DeathSuit, which gets rid of the nasty smell for her, and if she is to believed (which sometimes Bonky doubts) replaces it with any one of several sweeter smells. As Bonky watches her, though, her figure becomes noticeably more bulky, musculature swelling as fireflies play in the darkness around her body. A couple of seconds later and the little transformation is complete. Although the Ebon is still no match for Bonky physically, he knows that like this she can really pack a punch. Also he realises that she is on edge: she only boosts her 'Suit this much when she knows there's going to be trouble, or when she's nervous about something. Bonky gives her a cheery thumbs up to lift her spirits and she replies in kind before stepping off the small platform they are standing on and wading out into the muck of the sewer proper.

The network of tunnels in this section is tall enough to accommodate two Bonkys in armour, and is three or four Bonkys across. The ladder up to the surface terminates in small, fenced in concrete square, which in turn quickly gives way to a shallow river of filth. The squad have relaxed slightly now they have made the initial entry, and Jacinta has unfolded a couple of portable arc lamps to illuminate the surrounding hundred metres or so of tunnel. In one way it does broadcast the squad's presence: in another of course it helps keep away the local inhabitants. A perpetual habitat of darkness has made them scared of the light. Bonky grins. Of course, they're scared of the noise his Chainaxe makes when its tearing through flesh and bone, too. Come to think of it, most people are. He grins more and unholsters it. Plenty of room to swing it about, here. So long as no one on his side gets in the way.

The 'com crackles into life: Sleet has been investigating.

"Steven. I believe I have a lead on the whereabouts of your mother."

The channel goes dead and Bonky exchanges a glance with Mel that even through armour is clearly intelligible as "What the fuck?" to both of them. The mystery is solved a moment later as Sleet uploads his video feed to the squad's com channel: a slick of used prophylactics drifts downstream, leaving a slightly glistening wake in the turdy soup. Steve makes no reply, but Bonky sees Steve's chibi character in the helmet HUD raise an iconic finger in silent protest. Bonky chuckles and checks his six. Maybe Sleet isn 't so bad after all.

Jacinta cuts through the developing atmosphere of amiability like a GASH fist through a baby.

"When you've had quite enough of furball's lame attempts to integrate himself into our culture I'd just like to remind you all that we are here to do a job and get paid, and the quicker we do that job the quicker we get paid. Now, we've been sent to clear a blockage in section 6, that's ahead about five hundred metres, then left another three hundred. For some reason we've been assigned the only piece of shit pipe with no shortcuts or easy ways through so its time to get slippery people. Sleet, stay on point: everyone on passive sensors from here on in. Mel... you're... you're with Steve. Back Sleet up. Bonky, its your lucky day, you're my buddy and we guard everybody's asses. People I know this is only another shitty Blue but bear in mind what happened to Jen and the consequences are that she hasn't fired a weapon, in anger or otherwise, for the past three months. She was on a Blue as well, OK? We're badder than all the other things down here but if we get in and out with no fuss then we won't have to prove it. Questions?"

Only the steady drip of the walls answers her. Bonky thinks Jacinta is a good squad leader at times like this. Above the surface she had seemed weak and even vulnerable to the Stormer. Here, however, she is in control, and everyone respects her for it. Bonky turns on his halogens and checks his zone as they start towards the blockage. The arc lights dwindle and shrink in his viewport, then Jacinta hits the remote and they wink out - their suit lights seem somehow insignificant by comparison.

The approach to their objective takes nearly an hour, as the most obvious way around has been blocked off by one of the massive flood control gates that swing into action when tides of filth threaten to overpower the system' s ability to control it. Either that, or it might have malfunctioned. Or of course it might also be due to terrorist activity. Bonky thinks this and makes a methodical check of the door and its locking mechanism. Nothing out of the ordinary, so he lets the thought go and returns to his methodical scanning of the tunnel behind the squad as they inch their way further towards their goal.


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