heres some more ficiton for my rape series. hopefully it will give glenn a few ideas to work off

Another Victim

The flasing lights on the Shiver's APC's below him illuminated the buildings of Suburbia.

He opened his little box and placed his latest addition into it. 7 little fingers, neatly wrapped with a bow at the end where he had cut them off.

He smiled at the chaos below him and flipped open his mobile.

"Third Eye News? There's a bunch of shivers outside my flat, I think their investigating that rapist."

'Thank You, a news team is on it's way'

Daniel looked up at the block of flats that were surrounded by shivers. He opened the glove compartment of the van and took out a porta-cam.

"Guys, stay inside. I want to get this one myself."

Their were afformative nods and a few oks from the camera team and sound crew.

He flashed his media badge to the shivers manning the barrier around the flats, and ducked under the tape.

The stairs upto the flat were crowded by a medical team trying to stabalize the flats super.

He nodded to them as he passed.

'him... it was...'

"Shit, we're losing him, get the paddles."

Daniel looked behind to see a wraith medic pass the human that appeared to be in charge, two handles.



'o'crow... was o...'


The wraith checked the mans pulse and shook her head.

"Did you get that on camera you scum? You media vultures are all the same."

He hurried up the stairs to the apartment.

He flashed his media card at the head shiver who was talking to someone with a sketch pad.

"Daniel O'Crow, Third Eye News. Is that a sketch of the rapist?"

The two men looked up then glanced back at the sketch pad. He saw that the picture was a pretty good likeness to himself.

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