
<The TV image fades from static into the sight of a reporter, huddled in a rain coat, standing in front of an APC.>

Good Evening. I'm Daniel O'Crowe, Current Affairs reporter for Third Eye News.

As most of you royal viewers know, Andi, SLA operative with squad NWO and owner of A&AI died yesterday protecting a group of children from a Darknight attack in Subrubia's arboretem.

I had the pleasure of knowing Andi through my work with Third Eye and personally through time spent together at the Pit and at his business.

Andi was a unique man, knowing little of his upbrigning he threw himself into his studies at Meny, graudating with honours in mechanical engineering and military vehicle evasion tactics.

He gained extensive knowledge of the operative lifestyle serving in a variety of squads, which unfortunately no longer exist due to the deaths of vital members. Finally he found himself in NWO - New World Order, and it was in this squad he remained till he was murdered.

<Daniel pauses dramatically>

But knowing Andi's extensive operative background means nothing. Nothing compared to actually knowing the man.

Every time I met him, he would be carrying a new gadget he had created, or tinkering with some thing or other. He always smiled, always looked out for his colleagues, his friends and children.

<At this point a few tears appear in Daniel's eyes>

The World of Progress lost a great man when Andi was killed... but Darknight also made a mistake killing him. Public opinion of their evil, underhanded terrorism has dropped below previous recorded levels and rogue operatives have turned themselves in at the shame of Darknights actions.

Andi, I bid you adeui.

<Image fades into commercials for the APC toy, NWO squad toys, 'Andi - We Miss You' T-shirts etc.>

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