Doobrie Project logo Doobrie Project logo

Doobrie Product line.


50c for a basic one.
100c for a race one.
125c for a basic personality doobrie.
Up to 1500c for a Slayer/HJ doobrie (the two most expensive).

Doobrie designers

Phantom Scribblers .
The original doobrie designer and still the most prolific
Greg R
Intruder special edition.
Our up and coming New Parisian designer
New designer.

Real world interrupt
To quote nightfall
Doobries _are_ actually canon, although they may well never see the light of product day, given that they're a bit... well... silly. 8-).
concept of the Doobrie ©2000 Nightfall
Images shown above, unless other wise states, ©2000 *Phantom Scribbler* aka The Doobrie Man