Unity makes a friend.

The unity laughs at the man as he raises his gun.
"And what do you think you are going to achieve with that?" It taunts.
The man cocks the gun deliberatly.
The unity raises one eyebrow. "But little man, you are just the product of a poor imagination."
There is a look of fear in the man's eyes. Unity tilts it's head at the expression. "Interesting. So there are more who know the Truth. This is a development I had not anticipated. Fine then Little man, I will give you a chance to prove that you exist." The unity steps back and holds out its arms as if to make itself a bigger target.
The man pulls the trigger.

A trail of semi automatic fire fills the air. A path of bullets in follow my leader to the center of Unity's chest. A tribute to the skill of the marksman.
The first bullet hits, an explosion of flame as the HEAP round ignites. The flower blooms larger as the second and third rounds join with their brother.
The unity stands, accepting the impacts like a gift of bubbles. A smile on it's face. The marksman begins to doubt.
The fourth bullet explodes before its target, the fifth bearly whimpers out of existance. The sixth disolves in the air.

The man stares at the retreating line as the bullets loose their cohesion in the air itself, disolveing like grains of sugar in hot alchohol. The ripple reaches the gun, the long snout of the rifle twisting in the unseen vortex of reality unfurled.

In a panic he throws the weapon from his hands, staring as it sinks into the packed earth as it would into a muddly pond.

The Man looks up.
The Unity still stands in its parody of crucifixion. Its chest plate as smooth and untarnished as it was before the bullets started to fly.
"That was a little unfair of me." Unity confesses, the voice fading to a softer more feminine tone. "After all I am the irristable object." It smiles at the intended misquote. It steps forward towards the man, holding out one arm in a gesture of welcome. "You have a decision to make little man." The Unity croons. "Non existance here, or come with me and tell me how you learnt the truth."

The marks man stares down at the soil that swallowed the weapon and then up at the devil before him.
He reaches out his hand to accept the embrace.
Unity smiles. "Good Choice."

As unity's arm enfolds the man he begins to smile.