The optika options.

The kilcopter skips over the Mort sky line, Andi glancing down at the chaos and debris below.
"They didn't leave much standing." He observes sadly.
"It can all be fixed." Aaron responds softly. "If you want it to be. It's all up to you know Andi. You and Maggie."
"If this thing works." Andi responds.
"It will." Aaron replies softly. "Actually it has to or the rest of them are screwed."
Andi looks round, momentarily forgetting he is flying the Kopter

"At the moments Mr Slayer, Intruder, Bitterness and their companions control this reality. They can do anything, including kicking us out of it. If this hair brain scheme is going to stand any chance then you have to get that control of them. You have to be come the base line controller of this universe."
"Oh..." Andi comments softly.
"Don;t worry you can do it. You did the ground work already, though I doubt you know about it. The discarded citizens of down town already whisper Unity's name as if you are some great redeemer. For a long time those disenchanted by Slayers lie have been hiding out in the cannibal sectors waiting for a chance to change things. The arrival of the Kindered and the death of the Necanthropes they will be moving. Your old mates thresher are probably on their way here now."
Andi looks down at the carnage below, He can just make out movement, the citizens of Mort looting the bodies of their oppressors. "I don't want more deaths." He whispers softly.
"So don't give them more deaths. But what ever you do make sure people find it believable, or it will all fall apart."

Andi pulls the Kill copter round. In the far distance light glints off the glass of salvation towers. Thought run thought this mind:
The madness of bitterness, the sense of loss that hung round the entity.
The words of the War hero. "This place could be so much more, should be so much more."
Rays words. "Well its obvious isn't it, Mad shit makes Mercari, and Blakk needs Mercari. Ebons and Brain wasters he takes into Necanthropes, the others he feeds off."

He swallows. "If I stabilise this world it won't need Mercari to do it will it?"
"Well any world has Mercari." Aaron responds. "Nature of the beast."
"But it doesn't need to be so...... "Words fail him.
"No world needs to be evil." Aaron responds.
"This place could be so much more." Andi echoes his memory softly. "This is a world built on pain On betrayal, on revenge and bitterness." He pauses realising the connection for the first time. "Bitterness.".
He swings the kilcopter round again, getting a good look at the city. "But it's all so big."
"Unity brought hope to one small down town inhabitant and he spread the word." Aaron comments almost silently. "There are already a small number of Mecari that sing the hope of unity. They will help you. All they need is a rallying point."
Andi twists to look at him again.
Aaron smiles. "Pick where you want your memorial. Andi."
Andi smiles. The kopter drops rapidly towards Suburbia, heading for the roof of one small building huddled against so many others. It sets down gently. Andi popping the hatch.
"Will you be able to fly that back?"
Aaron just looks at him. "It's ok Andi I have my own transport."
"Oh yes." He shuffles slightly . "So what do I do?"
"Remember the fold ship?"
He nods.
Aaron spreads his arms. "His universe is just a ship floating through U space. Feel it, let yourself know it. Feel your connection to it. This is your reality. It birthed you. Acknowledge the truth."
Andi closes his eyes. Then he opens them again. "Why can't unity do this."
"Because unity is coalesced. It does not have the intrinsic link to the reality you do. This is something you have to do yourself."
"Ok." He closes his eyes again........

And he can feel it. A waver harmonic binding everything together, like a single discordant note. He shivers. It sounds so sad, so lonely , so pained.
"Change the tone." Aaron whispers in his ear.
Andi swallows. Slowly the tone rises, becoming more comfortable to feel. Then he feels another join it.
"I'm here love." He opens his eyes to see her standing in front of him. He wraps his arm around her, pulling her into himself. The note becomes a cord.
And with a rippling explosion it flows out across the city.