Soul Destroying Architecture


I've got tons that I use often, but don't have formal write-ups for them. Give me some time and maybe we can get these posted for others to suffer with - *eh erm* I mean "enjoy", of course!

Here's some names for starters, but I'll get the details up later:

The Cat O' Nine Tails
A rough mosh pit type bar. Upper Downtown
Gat's Dive
A quiet and sometimes rowdy bar that offers sleeping quarters as well. Cheap Beer. Lower Downtown.
A Biker Op Haven where hairstyles clash and the alternative punk scene hang out. Very popular with Ebons. Upper Central.
Shatter Zone
A dark, brooding place where one can find a depressed BrainWaster who killed himself in the corner and the somber faces of Frothers on their "low" dives. Very few altercations and where everyone who dances does the "pulling taffy dance" or the "aborted fetus dance". Lower Central.
The Drill
Speed metal and Frother/Stormer hang-out where up and coming live bands make their mark. Upper Downtown.
Eternity Legion
An exclusive Nec. private club. Who knows what happens within. "Special guests" are never seen again. CS 3.
Kama Sutra
You guessed it! Upper Downtown.
Angel Cakes and Ice Cream
A teen Op and wannabe hangout. They have a jukebox. Suburbia.
The Drop
A high end dance club with lots of famous personalities and hob knobbing. Upper Central.
The Hunt
A Wraithers den that is very alien to humans. There is almost no social interaction and acts as a getaway for many Wraither Ops. Lower Downtown.
The Staind
A darknight secret meeting place and bar. Unknown
A Stormer bar where everything is "Stormer sized" including the fries. Lower Central.
Chimpanzees Anonoymous
A drug addict on the recovery support group locale. Lower Downtown.
The Closure
An Ebon/Brain Waster only private club. Very posh and for Ebons that are "close". Upper Downtown.

---There's more but I'll leave you with that for now. ;-}
Edwyn Kumar
Freelance Author and Artist

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