SLA Haiku

Jason Averill

bullets fly through air
extreme combat all around
chainaxe in the chest

blood and guts fly left and right
fuck money. fuck fame. vi-o-lence

red fluid recedes
my eyes scan my surroundings
I emerge. Power

three one three I have been born
service shall be my life's work


gods of power and
industry vie for the scraps
from those up above

Max Bantleman

Night falls within us
In madness we dream
The blossom dies
Tied to life

There was a young man from Glasgow
Deep in the well
The tide turns us all

Tim Dedopulos

Dark streets, darker hearts,
A whirring camera laughs.
Stylish death awaits.

Chris Di Donna

Blood smeared camera.
Will you resist Morts Embrace?
Can you fight progress?

Halloween Jack comes
Run Civvie, run away fast
His axe is thirsty


The lie is naked
Only bitterness remains
Your fate is sealed

The victim is dead
They did not deserve your hate
Mort can only cry


Welcome to progress
Every desire can be quenched
The cost is your soul

John Dodd

The fear in our time
Is not a product of the environment
But the tyranny of Man

The Dead Cannot Grieve
Which is why the living are still here


The Thresher Shark is a minnow
In the Slayer's Ocean

The Dark Night
Is only There
Because of the light

Mark Dodd

The Sun Shines
The World Turns
And Life is too precious

Jared ''Danger'' Earle

A FEN 603
only delays your true fate.
The sands of time flow.

The rain never stops
falling on the blood-stained streets
yet never cleans them


You never look up
Look, He's there, strapped to the wall
like a stone gargoyle
(based on the short story 'Gargoyle')

She looks like a suit
yet she commands your life now
what little is left
(based on the short story 'Bloody Meetings')


salvation tower
holds many secrets of life
and soon of your death

A SLA player once
Didn't give a Nightfaller
Japanese stuff. Oops!

Ghost Cat

Darkness comes falling
Sleet slaps my face cold and sharp
My reality?

Jack Griffin

time on fast forward kills quick
Mr. Slayer dreams
bitterness clings to the fact of truth

bitter rain falls quietly on the streets of Mort
I need a prop


have a gun will slay
all say you have had your fill
stalking the rain


The Dead do not Grieve
The Living should not either
What is, is.

A bullet has no conscience
Weeping not for those it frees.

Walter 'Agar' MacGregor.

Neon splash on the
Faces of those who guard, but
Who will save her soul?

Reggie, aka Hollow, Brain Waster

My soul is bartered
The price of Divinity
Chill embrace of White.


Open your rulebook
Gaze upon it but thrice
Then pages fly free

Sue Wilson, aka Kresh, Wraith Raider.

It is too wet here
Far to hot is this place
Hunter longs for deep freeze.
