Denise Blahm (aka Kyttn)

I knew this Ebon girl, went by the name Sunshine. She used to be a regular down here at Level 9.Cute little thing too. Bright blonde hair with reds and golds runnin' through it and eyes the palest blue. Just like the tiles in the loo over there. We all usta' watch her on the teevee. She was quick with her mouth and faster in a fight. Third Eye didn't call her "Carrion's Bane" for nothin', ya' know. Buy me another beer and I'll tell ya' the story. Thank ya.

Now, Sunshine. What a gal. They don't grow `em like that too often. She came in here one night after what looked like a bad run. Huge cut over her eye and movin' stiff-like. Not good at all. Barney, that big guy behind the bar, sat her down and got her set up wtih a Fago. Figgered she didn't need anything stronger. Right about then, KillZone came on the teevee and we all cheered as Carrion's Bane did her stuff side by side with an Ebon named Smith. Man, that other squad never saw it comin. Wham! Wham! Wham! Gone. Hmm? Oh, yeah. Anyway, Barney took a good look at the gal on the teev and then at the little thing sitting at the bar and nursin' her Fago.

Barney, he ain't the dumbest shit planetside. He put two and two together and figgered out the newcomer was the same gal as had just been on.

`Specially since she wouldn't watch the show. Why watch it if ya' live it, right? Am I right? Anyhow, so he gets her another and asks her name.

Sunshine, she says, in this quiet little voice. Mouse-like, ya' know? And he goes, all right. Sunshine it is. And never says another word. Mosta' us here take our cue from Barney. And if he wanted to treat this gal like just another Jane, then we would too.

Think she appreciated the anonymity, cause she took to spendin' more and more time here between runs. Rumor had it she'd even been known to just curl into a booth rather'n go home some nights. Problems with her boyfriend or something, I guess. But she never said nothin'. Just hung out and played pool. Pretty soon, all of us knew that goin' against her there was useless. Better to just hand over your Unis and nevermind the table, cause she'd win. She was a good sport about it. Bought a round for the house whenever she won. Decent gal, no mistake.

One night, she came in all red-eyed and splotchy. Her boyfriend, that Smith guy we'd seen her with on the teevee lots, had gone white. Whatever that means. But she was put out. Nothin' would console her. Wouldn't even play pool. Took her a couple weeks to come around. And then all her missions were black, and she was comin' in lookin more and more beat up every time. Sometimes she'd disappear for almost a week at a time, then just reappear at her table takin' on all comers with her "Rack 'em up." But that sparkle in her eyes was gone, and we couldn't retrieve it.

Things went like that for near on a year. Finally, one night, Intruder himself came in. No shit, the man. And in the Level 9. What the hells, right? But he sat at the bar and waited. Didn't even notice ev'ryone starin' at him. High-class brass don't go to crappy dives like this. Don't tell Barney I said that. Anyhow, he watched the door till Sunshine came in. She looked bruised all to hell and there was a patcha' dried blood on her cheek. She saw Intruder and looked at him outta' those dead eyes.

"He sent you for me." She says, not a tone of emotion in her voice.
"Yes, Sunshine. It's time to come home."
"Haven't I done enough for Him?" We all knew who she meant. Slayer, the big man, her God.
"You can have a sporting chance. One game, no Ebb, your choice."
"If I win?"
"Retirement at full pay. Otherwise..." His voice trailed off.
"one game." Still no interest, dead.
"Rack `em up."

We watched that game with more intensity than the teevee that night. Sunshine was loved here, no mistake, and we all knew we'd be losin' her if the golden man won. She focused, and almost seemed to come alive for that moment. But we all knew what would happen. As it did. Sunshine curled into a ball on the floor and cried for the first time since that awful night when whatever it was happened to her boyfriend. He picked her up and swept out the door, leavin' a thousand Uni slip for Barney. He framed it. Put it right under the picture of Sunshine with the words "Rain forevermore" underneath.

Rumor has it that she's one of Slayer's again. One of his personal...ah...watchdogs, if ya' get my sayin'. She never came back. Don't think she could. Only thing we have is the picture...and that her ex still comes in to look for her. Now that she's gone. Ain't that the way though? Thanks for the beer, man, I got to get home to my old lady before KillZone gets on. They're supposed to be doin' some neighborhood place out here and I don't wanna miss it!

Mail to: Denise Blahm

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