These are the photos from our trip to Edinburgh in October 2006.

Lots of the photos are big and take a while to down load.

Views from the Bedroom Window
Views from the Camera Obscura
The Plasma Ball one of the camera obscura exhibits. This place is definitely worth a visit.
Walking round Edinburgh Old TOwn
New Parliament building
Tiger statue we bought a picture of at the Yorkshire Sculpture park and could not find there
The close where the first edition of Encyclopedia Britannica was produced.
On the right an example of why GPS is problematical in Edinburgh!
Outside the Camera Obscura
and the close by the Witchery
The Castle
Ray on the top of the rock!
It's next doors neighbors as seen from the New Town.
The Castle as seen from the New Town
The New Town -
trying ever so hard to be a capital- even Jenners looks like a little Harrods!