Hangover City Complete Contents
- Chapter 1- You’ll never walk alone
- The Covenant and the High Council -The local supernatural authorities
- Chapter 2- Rare Breed
- Aware Mortals used as shock troupes by the High Council
- Chapter 3- The Collective Guild Of Liverpool Manipulators of Magic.
- The local wizards
- Chapter 4- Court of the Faerie Fisher King.
- The wyldfae hiding out in the city
- Chapter 5- Dwellers of the Pleasure-dome
- White Court Vampires
- Chapter 6- China town
- The oriental community and the spirits, religions and magics they utilise
- Chapter 7- Wolves across the water
- The Wirral werewolves
- Chapter 8- The River witches
- The selkies and the women they protect
- Chapter 9- Churches of faith
- 2 cathedrals, 2 football clubs and the worship that connects them.
- Chapter 10- The pool of life
- Introducing 2 non-canon races in Liverpool, and an explanation as to why they exist.
- Chapter 11- Clubland
- A trip to where the mortals come to party, and the beasts that feed upon them there
- Chapter 12- Mortal authorities
- Local non-supernatural authorities and the problems they can cause.
- Chapter 13- Closing arguments.
- The final section of the fiction, writers notes and NPC Character sheets.
- Collected Fictions
- The fictions on thier own.
The Dresden Files is copyright Jim Butcher.
This source book is inspired by his work and written for use with the Dresden Files Rolepaying game
by Evil Hat Productions
No threat to I.P. is intended or should be implied.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
A 'player level' version of this work can be found on Dresden Files Role Playing Game Resources Wiki
The Covenant Preamble hand out In the original 'Latin' and English translations